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Date Posted: 06:47:28 05/19/17 Fri
Author: Kelli (Greer)
Subject: Crop

Sign up for the Valley Scrappers’ Book Club Crop today. The Crop will be held at the Walker Valley School House on Saturday, June 3 from 9:30a.m. until 6p.m. This is a No Frills crop and there will be no charge for the spot. You get a six foot table space. Bring your own lunch or we may order something from the Cobblestone Deli and Pizza down the road. There are only a few spots left. Bring in your favorite scrapbook to share. Contact Veronica at 750-7885 to reserve a spot.
The Valley Scrappers have secured the schoolhouse for the Valley wide yard sale on August 5. In addition to having individual vendors, they will be having a craft supply sale to benefit the Walker Valley School House where the group meets weekly. If you can help by donating all those craft supplies that have been taking up space in your house while they wait for you to have the time or motivation to get around to them, please drop off craft items including: fabric, sewing supplies, scrapbooking supplies, crocheting and knitting supplies, including craft books and magazines, etc. to the Walker Valley Schoolhouse on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. until 3:30p.m. Call 744-3055 for more information on craft donations. Spots are available for the sale at Walker Valley Fire Department by contacting Tami Lutz at 744-2107, at Walker Valley Auto by contacting Charlie at 744-6441, at the Borderline Deli by contacting Debbie at 744-3354, and at the Cobblestone Deli and Pizza by contacting Frank or Mark at 744-3051.

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