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Date Posted: 15:00:28 02/17/07 Sat
Author: ashleigh winter
Subject: Re: Newest sluts.
In reply to: haha 's message, "Re: Newest sluts." on 10:32:45 02/17/07 Sat

k u kno what honestly all u girls need to grow up, Im not friends with the petes cause I think they r all jokes. and they dont care about any girls. and its girl like u guys that make them think they go around playing and fucking every girl they see. like who cares what jaki has done.. like ur sitting here saying she has no life she waits on the computer for the petes, shes not classy, well guess what? u think u have a life sitting here posting all this shit about teri and jaki? u think thats classy u think guys find that attractive? like use ur heads. and u kno im pretty sure u cant go around calling jaki a slut and whore and w.e else u call her, cause im pretty sure some of u girls have slept with some of the petes urseleves, and have made some pretty dumb mistakes. like think about what ur saying. and yah maybe jaki has made some mistakes but everyone makes mistakes and they learn from them, yah it takes some longer then others but so what, and clearly u girls dont kno jaki cause jaki is a nice girl,and im pretty sure she wouldnt sit here wasting her time chirping other girls, yah thats what u class. and as for jaki sleeping with all the petes for all u kno she hasnt slept with any this season,like u girls really need to find shit out before posting stuff like this, like how would this make u feel? yahh probably not very good right? well how do u think it makes jaki and teri feel?, like hello, how about we just start making up rumours about u guys and see how u feel? how about we find shit out about u guys and go post it to the whole world im sure u wouldnt like that very much, so maybe u guys should just stop while ur at it.. like maybe u shouldnt be so judgemental. and as for u guys calling Teri a fat and ugly and a slut, u might wanna get ur facts straight. Cause Teri is far far far from being a slut and probably the nicest girl i have ever met
>>no. im lying.

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