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Date Posted: 14:44:59 02/20/07 Tue
Author: Michelle
Subject: Re: Jackie Heaton and Teri
In reply to: Shalaine 's message, "Re: Jackie Heaton and Teri" on 16:48:09 02/19/07 Mon

You girls have nothing better to do with your time then write about these two girls that have not bothered you personally in anyway. What do you think you're doing to these girls by bringing them up. Stay in your own worlds don't bring these two into it. I know both of them personally and they are the kindest people I have met. You are all insults to the human world .. or blind. You phrase these players liek everyone else has said and you give them glory. They feed off of it. You do not need to make comments till you know the facts. Obvilously you didn't get a very good look at teri. Teri is amazing. One of the best friends you could ever meet. She is beautiful, smart, she's athletic I played basketball with her and she's a good shooter. She's going somewhere with her life. I know she just got accpeted to university. She's not sitting here getting a degree in puck bunny slander. Teri is also a hard worker she has two jobs .. like you guys don't get it. Jackie is really nice as well, yeah so she's made some mistakes... I was there for her when tiems were rough, trust me she does have feelings of regret but she hasn't fucking slept with the whole team... like you guys don't know your facts at all so know what you have the whole team to pick from who ever posted "jackie let us have a chance with them" like honestly you have as many chances as you want she probably hasn't touched them. You don't believe there is no truth to half the rumors you girls hear .. half just goes through one ear and out. If you were writting an essay you would get quotes to explain your argument .. hmm maybe get some facts before you try and state an arguement. Jackie is also athlete and I think she is pretty as well, I don't look at her picture and puck like someone has.. maybe that someone should NOT look at the pictures if it bothers you that much. Jackie works hard in school and I know is about an 85% avg girl and at one point she was working 3 jobs while in school. Like these girls both HAVE LIVES!!! they don't dwell over the petes players. They live everyday with their friends, they do they're homework, work... like they don't sit at the fucking computer waiting for the guys to come on. thats jst pathetic. Honestly you need to sit there and wonder was it actually worth posting shit about these girls cause look at how many people are behind them defending them. Don't bring these girls down .. they don't deserve this treatment. Let them live their OWN lifes without you pathtic pieces of worthless shit trying to bring them down. Really reflect upon your lives and what you want to acconplish before chirping other people. I am not gonna sit here and tell you oh you girls are just jealous and what not because that may not be the case you may just have your own personal reasons and thats fine tahts your personal life.... but if you're gonna make comments about people that isn't true don't post it to the world... people don't deserve that.. no one deserves that. Please reflect on your life's ups and downs before commenting on otehrs....

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