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Date Posted: 09:19:37 08/30/06 Wed
Author: Ann McClain Roher
Subject: Alone with CJ

I heard CJ's voice from across the room, then I heard him say, "Hello?"
I looked around, "Are you talking to me?"
He rolled his eyes and grinned, "Well, yeah. We are the only ones here."
I instantly realized that I could be the envy of countless women--ALONE IN A ROOM WITH CJ! It doesn't matter that we were at the gym. I teased him about that and told him I would write a steamy post about being alone with him.

I worked out at the gym with CJ for 8 months before it ever came up that he is a model. I had no idea he is famous until I looked him up online last month. For anyone here who has never met CJ Hollenbach, I just wanted to post that he is the nicest man. He is smart, educated, funny, and has a wonderful sense of humor about himself. One would think that with his great looks and all of his success, he would also have an unbearable ego, but that's not the case here. I became interested in talking with CJ when I overheard him talking about writing. Since I am an author, I asked about his writing; and we began a conversation. He never mentioned his modeling or acting or fame. That impresses me still.

Ladies, he is amazing in the weight room. I was standing there chatting with him one day and noticed that he was pulling 120 pounds on each arm and talking at the same time. I couldn't believe it. Most of the guys grunt and groan and make a big production of lifting lighter weights than that, but CJ is lifting and laughing and talking at the same time. This man appears to be the complete package of strength, good looks, smarts, and personality.

So, CJ, here's wishing you every success with your new projects. You certainly deserve it. You are one of the good guys.

Ann McClain Roher, Author
Mr. Picky and Me: Lessons from a Master Chickadee

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[> Re: Alone with CJ -- Semet, 21:23:04 08/31/06 Thu [1]

Yes..he is one of the sweetest, nicest, HOT guy and always takes time for his fans. How lucky you are to see him all the time. I love his writing....he's so talented...and humble..doesn't brag or anything. If I were you I'd of given him a BIG Bear Hug....lol. That's why he has all of us here obsessing over him and his SEXY toes (wink)....Thanks for the info...the title caught my eye right away...


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" [> Re: Alone with CJ -- Mary, 13:06:55 09/01/06 Fri [1]

Ann you are the luckiest woman in the world.
you get to see and talk to C J every day!!!!
We fans know how wonderful he is. All of us
have our stories of things he's done for us
or said to us.He is one of a kind.
Write a book for him that HAS to have him on
the cover. We cant'get enough of seeing our
favorite man on the covers .

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" [> Re: Alone with CJ -- Meg, 23:37:55 09/01/06 Fri [1]

I have never met CJ in person, but I have e-mailed him several times. He is always very nice and never condinsending or rude. I always look forward to reading the replies he send to my letters. I hope that someday I may have the chance to meet him in person. You're very lucky to be able to see him as often as you do.

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" [> Re: Alone with CJ -- Elaine (smiling), 01:18:41 09/02/06 Sat [1]

Lucky you ... I am sure he is a fantastic man to get to know in real life.. I have a very good friend who is also and an actor/model but that is only a fraction of his life, he runs his own business locally and have helped him out when he calls. I will not give away who he is but if you watched commercials on tv for last couple of years you would know him. (btw my model friend helped me move where I currently live so I definitely count him a true friend, haha)

So I am betting CJ is a great guy too and in a natural setting like a gym wow.. lucky lucky.. am sure now that you have posted this you might be the envy of most women. I always like the people behind the masks.. I am bad brought up with theatre and have many in family still in it and now movies so people are great when you get to know the person inside without letting the image get in the way. I am new here so this is my first post. Have fun in the gym.

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" [> Re: Alone with CJ -- Shannon Marie, 20:18:15 09/12/06 Tue [1]

Of course, it's not like anyone here is biased or anything, haha.

Hey! What happened to the steamy? You stopped before it got good! We all read romance novels here; nothing would shock us. Okay, I'm stopping now. The next time I email CJ I'll likely get a reply along the lines of, "No! You're a bad, dirty girl and I'm not playing with you anymore!" haha

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"[> [> Re: Alone with CJ -- Semet, 17:20:43 09/13/06 Wed [1]

Raises hand HIGH in the air...yep we are all dirty girls in here....he he.

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