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Date Posted: 21:43:02 12/18/09 Fri
Author: Mary (Happy & proud)
Subject: C J wows them again

Kate Hofman ask that I post this for her. Her book
with CJ's cover ( Golden Adonis ) is available from The Dark Castle Lords website.

Mary, would you please post this story on CJ's message board.

I want to share a story about CJ with all of you.

CJ gained an entire restaurant full of fans a few days ago. Kate Hofman's daughter-in-law Elaine had a printed up version with the cover of Golden Adonis. Kate had made it for her because she finds it hard to sit at the screen and read. Why that one? "I like your 'blond' books best."

She and her friend Charlotte were at a reunion of half a dozen women, who had been working together at The Bay, years ago. Charlotte went totally ape when she saw CJ's picture. WHO IS THAT???
Kate's daughter-in-law said proudly, That is CJ Hollenbach, he is on all Kate's 'blond' books. Oh wow! Then all the women had to take a look, and the waitress got into the act. "Can I show this to the hostess and the barwoman?" Oohs and aahs were soon heard. Then people at other tables started asking if they could see the photo of this fabulous blond man.
If only Elaine had had a few dozen books with her, she could've cleaned up!
Kate has always said that it's the cover that sells the book, and here she was proved right!
She'd better write another 'blond' book with CJ on the cover!

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