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Date Posted: 04:18:19 04/23/17 Sun
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: Possibly the douching stimulates the G-spot
In reply to: Susan W 's message, "Orgasms While Douching" on 16:50:39 02/01/13 Fri

It is quite possible that the douching gives an effective stimulation on the G-spot and this will contribute greatly to the orgasm, either by the douching process alone or by simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris. But I guess the stimulation will be more or less effective depending on the angle of the douche syringe, the temeperature of the fluid used and how much the vagina is inflated duribng the douche.


About the G-Spot - How to Find and Stimulate It

By Knut Holt



The G-spot is an area laying between the urethra and the vagina and around the urethra. The most sensitive point in the area is found 3 inches or 5 cm inside over the upper/front vaginal wall (front if the woman is standing and upper if laying).

The area has a mesh of blood vessels that can fill with blood and engorge. The area has a rich equipment of nerve endings. The urethral sphincter consisting of a grid of crossing muscle bundles lays between this area and the bladder.

At both sides of the urethra, the area has a gland that produces a fluid with the same composition as a man's prostate, the paraurethral glands, which can be defined as a part of the G-spot. The area is also connected to the clitoris with bundles of connective tissue.


The innervation of the G-spot provides for strong sensations of sexual pleasure. These are described by many women as waves of pleasure spreading out from that area and that increase as the excitement increases and increase towards orgasm.

The innervation of the G-spot and the nearby area provides for sensations of many other kind during sex. Some women feel a sensation like the urge to urinate and the good feeling when one lets the urine flow. All these sensations increase when the mesh of blood vessels engorge.

Some women are however not aware of any sensations in the G-spot, and many women learn to recognise these sensations with sexual practice and by experimentation with sexual techniques. Some women also seem to mistake sexual urges coming from the G-spot for urge to urinate.


You can stimulate the G-spot of yourself or your woman by massaging with some force up against the upper/front vaginal wall about 5 cm or 3 inches inside the vagina. The right depth will of course vary from woman to woman, so it is important to try a wider area. One must massage so deep into the tissue that the massage exert a pressure in the area between the vagina and the urethra.

You can reach the right spot with the finger. It is perhaps more easy to stimulate the right spot with a dildo or a vibrator that is curved in the end. By using vibrations, pressure waves will propagate through all the inner areas of the vulva and induce a general physical excitement that you can build further upon when stimulating the G-spot more directly by the tip of the device.


Upon stimulation of thright intensity and length a woman can get an orgasm with the G-spot as the center of the feeling. Since there is an intimate connection between the G-spot and the clitoris, there will usually also be a clitoral component in the orgasm. Sometimes the center of feelings will be in the clitoris also upon G-spot stimulation, but the feelings will still originate from a wider area. Sometimes the woman will feel an intense pleasure in a wide area, including both the G-spot, the clitoris, the bladder area, the thighs and the anus.

G-spot orgasm or orgasm caused by G-spot stimulation is felt to by many women to be much more profound both physically and mentally than a pure clitoral orgasm and the feelings will often reach much farther inside in her body.


Upon stimulation the G-spot gets filled with blood and swells. The swelling increases the excitement, contributes to the general engorgement of the whole vulva and contributes to the stimulation towards orgasm. Also the excretion of lubricating fluid from glands in that area increases by G-point stimulation.

During orgasm some women ejaculate a fluid from their genital organ. The fluid seems mostly to originate from the paraurethral glands that empty themselves through ducts at both sides of the urethra, but some may also originate from small glands around the urethra that open into the urethra. The paraurethral glands make a fluid of nearly the same composition as the man¨s prostate secretions. The paraurethral glands are often depicted to be a part of the G-spot and female ejaculations seems to be particularly common during orgasms that originate in the G-spot.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. To find sex and health information, natural health remedies, drugs to treat sexual problems, and drugs to boost sexual pleasure please visit:


Article Source: EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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