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Date Posted: 09:03:33 04/20/02 Sat

What's going on over your way today, Pattunia?...It sure is nice and cool this morning. Sassy is sitting on the bed here by the computer, looking out the window, making sure she doesn't miss anything..haha. After all, she might see something she needs to bark at and it would be a shame if she missed it..
Buddy made it through the night okay...no episodes..and he seems okay this morning, too. I'm just rolling along kinda slow like so far..Haven't got too wound up yet. Anyway, just thought I would pop in and see what was up. Have a good one..

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morning Barb...I'm trying to relax as Brittany had a slumber party lastnight...do I need to tell you more LOL..Sleep what and the heck is that when 9 girls yes I said 9 spent the night there were 13 of them until midnight some had to go home..and the others I found in living room floor this morning..I've still got a bit of a headached from all the noise...I had to get Jylyan to work by 10 ..and when I got back..the others were gone but the breakfast mess was left..Dah...Oh lets just leave it for Nana to clean up...so aren't you just glad you asked me what was happening.. (NT)Patti11:10:08 04/20/02 Sat

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