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Subject: What cute little critters!!

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Date Posted: 18:23:21 04/17/02 Wed

Patti, those are simply the sweetest little kitties and puppy....I'm gonna bring one of the over to my house...ha

I think I have created a "monster" with letting James, the little boy from the neighborhood, come over and hang around that first day. He is now bugging me to pieces..coming over every day and pestering me to let him take Buddy to his house, wanting to come in and stay a while, etc..
How would you'all handle something like this?...He even brought a piece of rope with him today so he could tie it to Buddy's collar and take him up to stay at his place for a little while. Oh, Me...

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Well I don't know what to tell ya...except maybe you need to talk to his Momma, about his wants etc..I know you have a heart of gold but you might have someone upset Buddy just might not want to go to Jame's house..I'd really talk to Jame's Mom..to let her know that he son has become very attached to Buddy boy... (NT)Patti19:32:49 04/17/02 Wed

Oh, that's a tough one, Barb. I agree, talking to his Mom might be a good idea. I know what you mean though..you hate to be mean, but it gets to be a pain. (NT)lauda19:38:54 04/17/02 Wed

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