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Date Posted: 12:42:55 06/19/06 Mon
Author: No name
Subject: People will go to extreme lengths to obtain freebies won't they? That is horrible & to use her child like that. Poor thing. Thanks for the heads up and I will be sure & steer clear of this person & her contests.
In reply to: 's message, "I have never heard of it either & like I said her daughter is the only one to win the contest ever & you can't view any photo's except her daughter & now she has removed the link to be able to see the winners. She also has a contest called american starz where she donates to lovelylittleladies & lovelylittle ladies donates to american starz! hmmmmm how sad!" on 08:59:15 06/19/06 Mon

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  • ok you have never heard of it but, yet you know her daughter always wins the contest?? I am confused. Maybe this is someone bashing a director who is mad for their own reasons?? Be careful what you find on these boards. You never really know why someone is posting. (NT) -- No name, 07:09:11 06/20/06 Tue
  • I donate prizes to the contests, so when I get a prize claim for discounts I go the the sites & verify that they are entitled to what they are claiming! The whole thing in a nut shell is that the contest is points affiliated & she wants that crown (the fair way or the unfair way) any way she can get it. She has gone as far as bashing a 4 year old that was beathing her daughter in points for the crown! (NT) -- No name, 10:14:47 06/20/06 Tue
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