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Date Posted: 16:15:49 02/26/10 Fri
Author: Bob: No, dipstick, I didn't "watch it."
Subject: Re: Hahahaa You watched it
In reply to: SC 's message, "Hahahaa You watched it" on 20:21:36 02/22/10 Mon

I note a constant in the rhetoric of rightist morons like you,and that's the repeated denigration of politicians that you detest by the use of such words as "pig."
Some of the placards at the tea party conclaves---which have as much couth as some rally by Brown Shirts circa 1935---are both racist and libelous.

What you appear to want in the White House is another semi-literate WASP, born to wealth and waging war on the middle class which your boy did from 2001 until 2009. Here's a statistic for you: the richest 400 families in the US have a combined wealth of 155 million Americans. That's the road to a plutocracy, dimwit.

The 3 media loud mouths on the Rabid Right----Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity----are definitely your kind of people: rich, boorish college dropouts. Beck and Limbaugh are both ex junkies, Beck with cocaine and Limbaugh with oxycontin, aka "hillbilly heroin." Beck didn't adhere to his marriage vows; he's on his 2nd wife. Neither did Limbaugh, having been married 3 times as of today. Hannity has remained married to his 1st and only wife,but definitely has cast aside the social justice teachings of his Catholic faith. Hannity, like his buddies, are corporate pimps.

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