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Date Posted: 15:25:55 03/08/10 Mon
Author: Bob
Subject: Re: Korean War draft dodger? Whats that make Obama?
In reply to: SC 's message, "Korean War draft dodger? Whats that make Obama?" on 22:38:29 03/06/10 Sat

As an apparent faithful lackey of the likes of slacker Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck, you dutifully parrot the lies of these 3 corporate whores concerning Medicare.

Similarly, since you apparently have no education in the hard sciences nor experience in their application, you repeat their BS about global warming. (Beck did not finish his 1st semester at Yale).

Remember Medicare D? I had wondered why Bush II, who detested Medicare as "socialism," initiated that program, but soon its windfall for the pharmaceutical monopoly became evident. Big Pharma was then and remains, one of the GOP's primo money bags. And if memory has escaped your flea brain, the Louisiana Congressman, Republican "Good Old" Boy Billy Tauzin was the scheming pissant who shepherded the bill through the House. His reward? Until recently he headed Big Pharma's #1 lobbying firm at $2 million a year. Simpletons of your caliber don't pay attention.

Obama is 48 years of age, born 8 years after the Korean War ended. You might look up the biographies of all those pasty-faced southern Republican Senators who stand united against Obama. I haven't found one so far that served during the Vietnam War and all are of an age to have served, except Senator Graham who was born in 1955.

Here's how Senator McConnell avoided service during Vietnam from Wikipedia: "McConnell became a member of the 100th Training Unit, U.S. Army Reserve, in Louisville, Kentucky during his final semester of law school, and he reported for his six months of active service, primarily for training, in July 1967. After induction at Fort Knox, Kentucky, McConnell was released early from his active-duty military service in August 1967. John Cooper, a U.S. Senator from Kentucky (for whom McConnell had interned) wrote a letter in August 1967 to the commanding general at Fort Knox, asking when McConnell would be 'cleared' from active duty so as to attend New York University. The registrar's office at NYU has no record of McConnell applying or registering for classes. According to a former campaign manager, McConnell received a medical discharge for optic neuritis (a symptom of multiple sclerosis). McConnell has declined to be interviewed regarding this issue, or to release medical records." Certainly he's "declined" to be interviewed. That would destroy his phony "tough guy," take-no-prisoners image.

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