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Date Posted: 15:45:07 03/10/10 Wed
Author: Bob
Subject: forum: an e-mail I sent today to Senator Kit Bond (Republican, Missouri)

Senator Bond:
This morning I watched part of your dialogue with Andrea Mitchell, and you were criticizing the use of an infantile rhyme about the Iraq War and President Bush.

The selling point for President Bush's desired war authorization was encapsulated by his use of "mushroom cloud" hyperbole, the inference to be drawn being that Saddam had reconstituted his nuclear weapons R&D capability and thus presented an existential threat to the US proper.

Aside from the fact that weapons inspectors found no such program in Iraq, there is this fact that the US had and still has, overhead national IMINT assets whose capabilities are available in the open literature and on the Web. The physical complex required to separate uranium isotopes (as exist in Niger's infamous yellow cake) is huge and readily detectable by said national assets.

Apparently, the members of the Senate and House intelligence committees knew nothing about those assets, or if they were knowledgeable, were rebuffed by the Bush White House if they asked to see imagery corroborating the (absurd) claim that Saddam had reconstituted or was reconstituting, his mythical nuclear weapons program.

It appears that the WMD threat was a hoax concocted by the Bush White House with assistance in the media by a cabal of neo-con "experts" to stampede a gullible Congress to fund a war that need never have been fought.

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