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Date Posted: 15:58:57 03/10/10 Wed
Author: Bob
Subject: Re: Clinton should never have signed into law.
In reply to: SC 's message, "Clinton should never have signed into law." on 20:12:13 03/09/10 Tue

Clinton's great mistake earned him kudos in the business media such as the Wall Street Journal.

The paradox you on the Right face is your admiration for free market economics with a refusal to admit that deregulation of the financial markets has caused the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression.

If you've paid attention, you'd be wondering---as I do--why Obama has in his council of economic advisers Larry Summers, who was a proponent of deregulation in the 1990s.
Summers since has confessed that he was wrong, but, using a well-worn cliche, a leopard can't change its spots.

A reality of this recession is that most of the jobs lost over the past decade were blue-collar manufacturing jobs which have been outsourced by our "patriotic" corporations to countries like China, at last reading a communist dictatorship complete wit its own gulag known as the Lao Gai.

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