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Date Posted: 21:15:29 03/11/10 Thu
Author: Bob
Subject: Re: Still no praise for Obama the clown
In reply to: SC 's message, "Still no praise for Obama the clown" on 20:43:28 03/10/10 Wed

No, pissant, Sarah doesn't scare liberals. She's an under-educated, money-grubbing airhead, and fools like you no doubt bought her bullshit that it wasn't quitting as governor but that she was really doing the citizens of Alaska a favor---by not "going with the flow." Of course, the lure of quick financial rewards from the book writing (done mostly by another Bible-thumper)by exploiting her celebrity was not a factor in her decision.

If you've paid attention to current affairs, tell the forum just how effective Senator McCain would be had he won in 2008. Here's a guy who did not know how many homes his wife owns, who was a "deregulation sort of guy" and has claimed to have read Alan Greenspan's book. Alan Greenspan confessed to a Congressional committee that his economic world view was flawed. Greenspan had absorbed Ayn Rand's strict laissez-faire capitalism dogma in meetings in her apartment while he attended the U of Chicago.

Rand was the author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, which were all the rage among the BusAd majors at UC when I attended in the late 50s. (major: physics; minor: math). They still serve as a road map to a fool's Utopia.

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