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Date Posted: 00:05:53 03/15/10 Mon
Author: Bob
Subject: Re: Forum ..Oh forum
In reply to: SC 's message, "Forum ..Oh forum" on 18:48:54 03/14/10 Sun

Poor, infantile yuppy who thinks Bush II and his neo-con cheerleaders were super patriots and that the Iraq adventure was justified. Rove was a draft dodger. Bush I got Junior a cozy slot at the head of the line in an Air National Guard Squadron which was cynically dubbed the "champagne squadron" since so many offspring of Texas millionaires got billets in it. Andrew Card dodged Vietnanm. Kerry volunteered and was slimed.

Now, yuppy, tell the forum all about Saddam's allegedly reconstituted nuclear weapons program that was going to put a "mushroom cloud" over some US city. Tell us about his delivery systems. There weren't any nukes and there weren't any delivery systems. While you're at it, tell us just how successful the Air National Guard "freedom fighter" was in nailing bin Laden and his Al Qaeda thugs at Tora Bora in December of 2001. Oh, he failed, but then diverted intelligence and military assets to avenge Saddam's thwarted attempt to assassinate his dad.

Nitwits like you did not pay attention to people like Bush's 1st Treasury Secretary, Paul O'Neill, who asserted that Iraq was the very 1st item on the agenda of Bush 1st cabinet meeting in 2001. 9/11 was a windfall for him and the draft-dodging neo-cons* who were his cheerleaders and war drum beaters in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.

* Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Frank Gaffney, Eliot Abramson among others.

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