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Date Posted: 03:28:33 04/18/10 Sun
Author: Bob
Subject: forum

A) From the 19April issue of Newsweek, pages 44, 45: "Rush Limbaugh talks about the Democrats planning to 'kill you' with health-care reform and suggests (agreeing with black Muslim minister Louis Farrakhan, of all people) that it 'seems perfectly within the realm of reality' that the H1N1 vaccine was 'developed to kill people.'" (That should have had his moronic ditto heads scared shitless and refusing the vaccine. After all, Rush knows a lot about drugs).

B) From today's NY Times, some stats: "A New York Times/CBS poll released on Wednesday found that only 1 percent of Tea Party supporters are black and only 1 percent are Hispanic. It's almost all white." The same article gives percentages for various beliefs about Obama held by white Tea Party supporters compared to (a) white Republicans, (b) white independents and (c) white Democrats. For example, 93% of white Tea Party supporters believe that "Obama is moving the country toward socialism" and the percentages for (a), (b) and (c) are 68%, 48% and 25%, respectively.
Another example: 57% of white Tea Party members believe that "the Obama administration favors the poor," and the percentages for (a),(b) and (c) are 42, 25 and 11, respectively. (Oh,oh! We can't have any of Christ's concerns about the poor infiltrating a "gangster government" as Congresssquirrel Michele Bachmann recently referred to the Obama administration)

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