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Date Posted: 22:17:36 08/18/11 Thu
Author: Archonis
Subject: Catholic Welfare Fraud!

This guy I know who worked for the U.S. Census told me something interesting about Catholic Charicties: e.g. "St Vincent De Paul" etc. .... The Catholic Church gets block gramts from the U.S. Federal Government, to supposedly give rent money to the indigent in a given area.... The number of poor lets say in Los Angeles County is tabulated, and the Chancery offices are given money to be distributed to the poor in that area..... This goes back to Reagan when he attempted to give money to churches to give to the poor, to take the emphasis off of goverment welfare.

So the Catholic Church gets Federal money to give to the poor so what??

The fraud comes in here... The Church does NOT give the Federal money to the poor in any given area. The Church only gives the money to indigent CATHOLICS!! Many of them when they get back on their feet will start giving money to the church offeratory again, so what they are doing is giving away money that is not theirs to indigent Catholics only who will likely return it when they go to mass.... So the Church is scamming the Federal Government for money to give away to Catholics only that is not theirs, and because these Catholics will likely give the church the money back incrementally, the Church is running a charity at 100 profit!! This is nothing compared to the paedophilia in the Church, but is an example of the disingenuous dishonesty of the Catholic Church racket..... P.T. Barnum would have been proud!

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