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Date Posted: 21:44:28 05/01/06 Mon
Author: Horse lover 2
Subject: LOL! Too funny,
In reply to: horse nut 's message, "weird horse lol" on 08:02:41 05/01/06 Mon

Hey Rachel! It's Sienna! Did Faith tell you that she swears I have a reincarnetion of the horse she had at college who used to bite her butt all the time?? Both are named Chief, but mine is like half hand bigger than hers was and he never (yet) managed to bite my butt! Oh he has tried so many times! And he thinks he is being sneaky too! LOL Like honestly he stares at the rafters in the barn like he's ignoring you and then when he thinks your all at ease and busy with cleanin those hooves Bam he snakes that head around - I always stay SUPER close to his body so I can just shift and the he gets my elbow in his nose - and he has the nerve to whinney at me and do that angry snuffle like I am to blame cause he wont give up! LMAO!! He is such a weirdo, but I love him!

Rachel, do you still have my email addy from when I gave it to you on CMT??? If you do can you email me? If not - well, I'm not real comfy putting my addy here so JT aid I could use his so you can email me at: JT.horn@yahoo.com Meanwhile DO NOT put your addy here on this board OK? I'm gonna see if I can find your addy - I know I had it... I'll explain when we email - K Thanks ♥ ♥ Sienna

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