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Date Posted: 03:26:10 05/06/06 Sat
Author: Sienna
Subject: Man, My bags are packed - but it isn't cause of the school - It's cause of the Rodeo - there aren't a whole lot of schools thatteach about rodeo and raising buckers! Bulls and Horse! I can't afford to go out of state so I am realy luck I got in @UCF cause I am gonna be the first Woman Pro Bull Riding Champ! - most of the guys aren't huge and I just need to make sure I keep working on the arm strength! If they won't take me here there is a lot starting in Austrailia! LOL, I'll do it somewhere! So whatcha gonna do in Nashville?
In reply to: keith 's message, "well, i'm the odd ball of the family. my brother is in princeton right now both parents are lawyers and then there's me. i've never been crazy about the academic end of school and the thought of more isn't exactly appealing. and i get the "as long as you live under this roof" all the time so don't think your alone. anyway i'm pretty sure i'll move to nashville and it has some good colleges. sounds like your all set to go." on 11:34:07 05/05/06 Fri

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