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Date Posted: 4/08/17 12:06
Author: Knuit Holt
Subject: Sexual libido and potency, good intimate feelings - products and advices for men and women

To read about enemas and bodily manipulations in ballet and gymnastic schools, development of children and teens to competition athletes by unhealthy and in the long term invalidizing methods, about narrow foreskin in boys and men and how to cure this condition, how to do yoga, about how to make a law calory tuna or chicken salat, about garlic and its benefits, please scroll down.


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Enemas and Treatments Performed in Ballet and gymnastic schools

I have a hobby of investigating all things going on behind closed doors around the world. One method of doing so has been poll conducting and conversation with people about their experiences. Among others, I have been in extensive contact with actual and former students of ballet schools and private school with ballet or gymnastic as a main part of the curriculum, like some Montessori schools.

What I have learned is that enemas is a standard routine in these institutions for all students.

The students learn to give themselves enemas. They are also given enemas from therapists engaged at the school, usually the same therapists that give the students massage treatment. These enemas is often of the colonic type, with a mashine that flush in and out water.

The occations for getting enema and connected treatments in these schools are:

- In the morning the students give themselves an enama of the traditional type with a solution prepared by the staff. Ice water enema is one type given.

- For young studenst living at home and not in a boarding section, the parents will typically give the enemas in the morning after having been instructed.

- After certain training classes selected students is taken into a therapy room and given massage. The massage is usually given in naked condition. Before the massage, the student is given something to drink to restore electrolytes after the training, but the drink also contain some relaxing meditation.

The student may also be given intravanous medication from some point in the tehrapy sesion.

Gradually the student get dormant during the massage. Then a colonic type of enema is often given to flush out all content of hisher colon.

After the enema special treatments is often given in the perineal region to make the structures in this region more flexible. One method used is to insert some type of balloon through the anus that is then pumped up. The same treatment may be given in the vagina of girls.

As far as I have understand this treatment is both given in the rectal opening and further up in the anus and colon. The purpose for the more intrusive treatment seems to be to make a better passage for stool so that the student more easily empty the colon during toilet visits.

During the dormant and relaxed state of the student, the therapist will also perform extreme stretchings of the legs and hip joints.

Often they insert a catheter in the urethra of the student to hold the bladder empty during the therapy.

Sometimes they they inspect the bladder, the vagina or the colon endoscopically, or with speculums, during these sessions. One purpose is to secure that the hard training sesions do not hurt the pelvic structures.

But students are also used as training objects for medical students and doctors under specialization, and it seems like the ballet schools get economical compensation for renting out the students for this purpose.

After the therapy, the student will usually be placed on a coach to relax and wake up, still with the catheter in place. Since the student has been given sedative medication before the therapy, heshe will often not be aware of everything done, and will often feel pussled when waking up with the catheter.

Traditional enemas is also often given before special events, like rehearsals.

Knut Holt

For information and smart products for improvement and maintainment of health and fitness and for increase of sexual satisfation and abilities, please see:


Development of Kids Into Athletes by Unethical and Dangerous Medical Methods

All over the World persons destined to become competition athletes are systematically subjected to a strict training and diet regime with a military-like disipline from they are young kids, without regard for the ultimate well.being of the kid, and the future well-bing of the adults these kids acentually will be.

In these training regimes there is a cartain element of fun, pleasure and happiness, but only in the way and degree that it helps the goal of producing a athlete that can take gold medals in national and international competitions.

These regimes are fairly well known. What is not so well known, is that those kids are developed systematically not only with a strict training regime, but also with extensive medical interventions of pharmacological, surgical and physical kind. On the long term these interventions can produce disasterous result from their health as adults.

Also psychological interventions are used to make the children obey the regimes, to feel an ambition they would not feel otherwise, and to suppress other whishes and ambitions they would naturally have. Some of the interventions also make the kids feel a kind of ecstacy, not unlike sexual ecstacy, coupled to the training regime, that is used as a driving force.

Often these kids attend special sport schools, often boarding schools, with hospital sections where the kids undergo the programs consisting of surgeries and other imterventions. Other kids attend sport clubs that have theie own medical centers for that purpose or cooperate with some nearby medical center.


Sveral drugs are forbidden to use during training and compettition. Among those are many steroids. But symptoms you can watch at young athletes,like for example girls having a typical masculine body shape, points to extensive treatment of athletes under development with these kind of drugs, but of cource it happens secretly.

Less clandestine is the use of asthma medication to alollow to make it easier for young athletes to train intensively and thereby obtain greater development within muscle mass and condition. Even though there are certain restrictions on the use of such drugs, the restrictions are commonly overcome by false asthma diagnoses. Some of these drugs also hane a direct anabolic effects, commonly denied by the sport clubs and their medical apparatus.

In sports where great flexibility and slim body figure gives advantages, drugs to delay or even block the pubertal development is commonly used both for boys and girls, so that the shape and flexibility of a child is preserved in athletes in their teens or after. Some nations or teams are commonly accused of sending underage performers to international competitions, pretending that they are older. This might be true, but more likely these performers are much older, but with pharmacologically blocked pubertal development.


Especially in sports that require great flexibility, this is not only achieved by classical stretching exercises, but also by techical equipment of various kind. To achieve greater flexibility in the pelvic region, the anus, rectum, urethra or vagina are frequently blocked out or otherwise manipulated on kids being developed to athletes.

Furthermore, the colon, anus, bladder and urethra of these kids are often manipulated by insertion of balloons that are then inflated. The purpose seem to be facilitaion of complete emptying of the colon and bladder before they perform, so that the content is not any hinder for training and performance.

These kids is also frequently subjected to cystoscopy or vaginoscopy where long term working medication is injected in the deeper parts of the genitals with the purpose of decreasing sexual reactions,like erections, that are seen as a hinder for the training and development process.

These manipulations are often done in massage sessions after training, and with the kid sedated so that heshe is not fully aware of what is going on.


Intervations to make joints and body structures more flexible is very common during the development of a young athlete. The hip joints are most often surgically reshaped for this purpose. Also structures in the pelvic floor around the genitals and anus are subjected to surgery to make the structures more fit for extensive bendings and flextions.

A fairly common surgical intervention in athletics that require great flexibility is removal of some rib bones.

In some sport clubs, the size of male genitals are sytematically reduced to make the area more fit for the sport they perform. It seems to be most common in swim clubs.

Most female top athletes have got the development of the breasts depressed or they have undergone surgery to diminish the breasts.

From American collage sport there are exampls of heart surgery to increase the working capacity of the heart in young athletes. Probably the capacity of the vessels furnishing the heart with blood is increased during the surgery.

Also from American collage sport there are also examples of surgery to reduce the size of the intestines to make the abdumen get an optimal shape.


Hypnotic techniques are often used to motivate children for the transformational program to make a top athlete. An objective of the techiques is to make the child believe firmly in the glory of being a successful athlete, to believe firmly that he or she will become such a athlete and to decrease their consciousness of other immediate or long term wishes.

The children will often be sedeted with drugs before the hypnotic sessions to weaken own critical judgement about the material suggested.


Medical research organizations and universities use athletes under development extensively as guinea pigs to try out new surgidal and pharmacological methods to alter body development, shape and function, and to try out new techniques for mental manipulation.

Many of the body-alterning techiques used on the kids are such new methods not commonly known about or older methods still kept secret.

The kids are also used extensively as training objects for medical students and for doctors under specialization.

The sport clubs and sport schools earn money for renting out kids for these purposes.

By Knut Holt

More information about physical and mental health, phyical and mental training and sexual techniques written by Knut Holt here:



Narrow Foreskin in Boys or Phimosis - How to Treat it

By Knut Holt



By phimosis the foreskin of a boy or man is so narrow in the end that it cannot be pulled down. There are mainly two types of phimosis. In one type, the foreskin is elastic so that it can be stretched wider at least to some extent. In the other type there are scars or indurations around the tip that makes it totally rigid.

Sometimes the phimosis is partial, so that the foreskin can be pulled down, but not pulled back again. When the foreskin is trapped in a retracted position, it is called paraphimosis. This condition should be regarded as an emergency, since the tight foreskin can cut off the blood supply to the penile head.

A boy usually have a narrow foreskin in his earliest years and the foreskin also is fixed to the penis head. Gradually the tip widens and the foreskin gets loose so that it can be pulled down. Usually it is possible to withdraw it when the boy is 4-7 years old, and the diagnosis phimosis is therefore usually not done at a very young boy. Phimosis also usually gets away by itself before or during puberty.

If the opening in the foreskin tip is very narrow, the foreskin will often get inflated by urine during voiding, an occurrence called ballooning. Phimosis can cause inflammation in the foreskin and at the penile head, caused by gathering of smegma and substances from the urine, and subsequent growth of bacteria, but it does not occur in every case. The narrow foreskin can make sex and ejaculation cumbersome.

In some boys the foreskin just does not widen, so it remains very narrow, and then you usually get the elastic type of phimosis. Other boys or men get infections or inflammations in the foreskin that produce scars and constrictions that make it difficult to pull it down, so you get the rigid type of phimosis. The infections are usually due to bad hygiene.

The best way of preventing phimosis due to infections and scarring is daily to pull back very gently the foreskin as far as it gets without resistance, wash it well with some mild soap, and then flush it well. The parents should do this on yong boys, while older boys, teens and adults should do this by themselves. One should never try to force the foreskin down, however. Some doctors warn against using any kind of soap and recommend pure water.

There are great cultural differences regarding treatment of phimosis between the regions of the World. At some places traditional treatment for phimosis has been circumcision. It has however been shown that phimosis can be cured in most instances without surgery, especially the elastic type:

In boys before puberty, the simplest treatment is daily flushing with clean water under the foreskin to take away impurities, while waiting for the condition to resolve by itself. Complications or special susceptibility for infection, like in diabetic boys, can make more specific treatment necessary at an early age. Some boys may also feel it to be more comfortable after treatment.

Salves with corticosteroids can also be used 4-6 weeks to make the foreskin softer and combine it with gentle daily attempts to pull the foreskin back. After some weeks the foreskin can usually be pulled back normally in 70% of the cases. On the market you can also find salves based on herbal extracts for the same use.

A simple traditional and often successful treatment directed at the condition is each day to stretch the tip of the penis mechanically, and also gently pull it back as long as it gets without resistance, usually with the fingers. The method should preferably be done together with flushing and good washing around the tip. Older boys can learn to perform this method themselves.

By the inelastic type of phimosis some kind of surgery will sometimes be necessary, but in many communities surgery is regarded as the last option due to several factors: It is difficult to obtain a real good result functionally and aesthetically by surgery, regardless of method. There is a risk for complications as infections, bleedings and scarring, and there is a risk connected to anesthesia.

Circumcision will solve the initial problem, but a full circumcision will alter the penis in a way that the boy or man not always will be pleased with, even when the procedure is fully successful, and this operation also gives the greatest risk for all complications. In addition to the complications mentioned, the exposed penile head will be subjected to mechanical irritation, as a responce grow thicker, and can thereby loose sensitivity. Circumcision will leave a ring of scar just below the penile head that may not look good and feel uncomfortable. Also the reduced amount of skin on the penis can make erections more difficult.

Often one can cut off an inelastic ring at the tip, and eventually also use the other methods some time afterwards. Some surgeons do a more complicated reshaping of the foreskin to widen it (preputial plasty), and in many countries in Europe this is the recommended method when surgery is necessary.

When consulting a doctor for treatment of phimosis, one should disqus the methods available to find that which fits best the interest for the patient, which often will be a young boy, and not automatically accept a suggestion for circumcision. If the doctor is rigidly inclined towards circumcision, a second opinion should be consulted.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health and erotic fields. At his site there is more information about health, fitness and sexuality. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, including sexual health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.



The Basic Principles of Physical Yoga, also Called Hatha Yoga

By Knut Holt



The Basics of Physical Yoga Exercises- or Hatha Yoga

Systems of physical exercises that can be called yoga have been developed many places and with different ultimate purposes, but the improvement of health and physical abilities is always a purpose. In many traditions, especially many of the the Indian traditions of yoga, these bodily improvements are seen as a means for a further higher spiritual goal. In other traditions the bodily improvements together with coupled mental improvements are seen as the main goal, as for exmple in the Chinese traditions.

The basic principles of physical yoga exercises are simple, however, and if you follow these principles, you actually are doing yoga. Therefore you can make your own yoga exercises that fit your own need as long as you follow the principles. In the following these are explained.

An important part of physical yoga is the breathing exercises, or pranayama. This part is in many ways the most fundamental, because the basic type of breathing is also a part of the yoga postures - the asanas. The postures consist of stretching and holding the body in specific stretched positions for some time, while breathing in a specific way. One usually do both pranatama and asanas in the same session. You can do the pranayama before or after the asanas.


The complete yoga-breath is a basic exercise upon which all other breathing exercises are based, and this is also the way you breath during the body postures. It is however also an independent exercise that you can do any time to refresh yourself. It begins with lungs in a totally empty state obtained by contracting your stomach muscles and all of your chest muscles.

Then breath in as much as you can by letting your stomach expand. Then proceed breathing in by expanding the muscles in the mid of your chest. At last complete the filling of your lungs by expanding the upper part of your chest. It is not possible to separate these three faces completely, though, and they shall also glide over into each other in a smooth way.

Then you empty your lungs completely in a similar sequence. First you contract your stomach muscles and empty as much as possible using these muscles. While holding your stomach muscles contracted, you proceed emptying by contracting the muscles in the mid of your chest and then complete by contracting the upper part of your chest.

All other breathing exercises are essentially variants of the complete yoga breath. When doing the exercises you sit in an upright position on a chair or on some cloth at the floor with crossed legs. Some of these exercises are:

- You breath in and out rapidly 8-15 times, and then hold your breath some while.

- You breath in rapidly, using 4 seconds, then hold your breath 16 seconds or as long as it feels comfortable, then breath out using 8 seconds.

- In a more complex variant of the above exercise you breath in while closing one of your nostrils with a finger, hold your breath some while, and then breath out closing the other nostril. Then you repeat it while still closing your other nostril, hold the breath and then breath out while closing the first nostril.

- You can breath in and breath out through your mouth while pressing your lips towards each other so that you get an extra pressure in your lungs. You can also press your lips together while breathing in so that you get an under-pressure in your lungs.


A yoga posture begins with your body in a relaxed position, either laying flat down or sitting right up. You empty your lungs before the posture as in a complete yoga breath.

- Then you slowly swing or twist your whole body or parts of your body into a stretched position. While doing this your breath in as in the complete yoga breath.

- Then you hold the position for a short or longer time. If you hold it long, you are breathing relaxed with the complete yoga breath method, but not in such a complete way that the breath makes you exhausted.

- Then you slowly swing back from the stretched state to the original position while breathing out like in the complete yoga breath.

Most postures are variant of these basic principles, of which a few are:

- You lay on your back on a cloth at the floor. Then swing your arms up and behind your shoulders, stretching all of your body from top to toe. Then slowly sit up and swing your torso forward while stretching your arms towards your toes. If possible bend your torso all the way down to your knees. After holding the position some while, slowly sit up and then lay down to the original position.

- You lay on a cloth at the floor on your stomach, with another cloth under your lower stomach to protect your genitals. Then lift and swing your upper body up as long as possible, while also bending your head back. Push with your hands towards the floor to help the lifting and to get an effective stretch. Then slowly lay down again at your stomach.

- Sit at the floor on a thick cloth with your legs flexed up halfway towards your stomach and your knees together. Then twist your torso and also swing your head to one side, while pushing against your knee with your hands to help the twisting and get an effective stretch. Then, after holding the position a while, swing your torso back and twist to the other side in the same manner.

- Lay on your back on a cloth at the floor. Swing your legs up so your feet come over your head. Then lift your torso up from the floor so that your body rests upon your shoulders, and straighten your body upwards as much as you feel comfortable. Help the lifting and holding the position with your arms. After having been in that upright position some while, descend your torso and legs again.

The classical description of this exercise prescribes that your body shall point straight up, but that causes your neck to bend unpleasantly and a great pressure in your head. Therefore it is best for most people not to straighten out completely when resting the body on your shoulders.
Yoga explained - Learn The Principles of Yoga exercises


You can find exact descriptions of yoga exercises in books and in web-sites or you can attend courses. You will probably find that the exercises are difficult to do as described in the beginning. It is however possible to do them approximately in the beginning and gradually learn to perform them perfectly.

But you can also compose your own exercises that fit your personal condition and need. To be yoga exercises they must be composed according to the principles outlined above. Weather you learn standard exercises or compose your own, you should however choose a set of exercises that will stretch or twist all your body parts.

By Knut Holt




How to Make a Simple and Tasteful Law Calorie Tuna or Chicken Salad

By Knut Holt



This is a receipt for a simple and nutritious salad that you can eat in the morning, in the evening or even as an easy dinner. If you are slimming, this kind of salad gives you the absolute control of the intake of nutrients and calories you need to be successful.

You use these ingredients for one portion that is made in a small bowl and eaten from the same bowl.

- 150-200 g crushed or sliced cooked tuna, or sliced cooked chicken.

- Finely sliced raw broccoli. Only use the outer thin branches with the flowers.

- Finely sliced raw tomato or paprika.

- Finely sliced raw onion.

- You take so much of these vegetables that the bowl is well filled.

- Some finely sliced garlic.

- 2 tablespoon of olive oil.

- A little vinegar if you like it.

- Some cayenne, ginger or other spices you like. Be aware that cayenne has a very strong taste.

- Some salt if the tuna or chicken is not already salted.

You firstly put the tuna into the bowl and blend in the spices and the garlic. Then you slice the vegetables and blend them with the spiced tuna. At last you blend in the olive oil and the vinegar.

You can of course blend in other vegetables, fruit or things like cheese or feta. Be aware that cheese and feta are fat. These two ingredients are also best together with chicken. Some sliced orange or raw blueberries give the salad some sweet and fresh taste that combines very well with the taste of the other ingredients.

As a drink to the salad, you can use pure water or fruit juice without added sugar. You should blend concentrated juice with water to avoid too much sugar. Grape juice fits especially well to this salad.

Cooked tuna or chicken can be bought in every supermarket. But you can of course cook some amount of it yourself beforehand and store it in the freezer to make many salad portions from.

This salad gives you proteins, vitamins, minerals and some healthy fat. But you need some carbohydrates too. You can get that by eating some sliced full corn bread to the salad. Smear some olive oil upon the bread to make it soft. A little honey upon the bread is also tasty. You can also eat some cooked beans, peas or corn to the salad. Do not blend these ingredients into the salad, but you can put them in the same bowl beside the salad.


Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues and to improve fitness


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