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Date Posted: 17:14:43 10/09/06 Mon
Author: Débora
Subject: mais artigos 2

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9500EEDB1730F934A15755C0A9609C8B63">http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9500EEDB1730F934A15755C0A9609C8B63</a>
Round Salt? Try Rice
Published: June 27, 2006
To the Editor:
Re ''Problem: Salt Sticks in the Shaker. Solution: Make It Roll'' (June 13): Why put scientists to all the trouble of figuring out how to add new chemicals to sodium chloride in order to make nearly round salt crystals that won't stick in the shaker?
Much simpler is the way our family has done it for years. Just keep 20 or so kernels of rice in each shaker along with the salt. The rice absorbs moisture, the salt flows freely, and a humble household miracle has occurred.

Eric Larsen
New York
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.meatprocess.com/news/ng.asp?id=68415-salt-reduction-flavour-enhancers-masking-agent">http://www.meatprocess.com/news/ng.asp?id=68415-salt-reduction-flavour-enhancers-masking-agent</a>
The science of salt reduction in food

By Stephen Daniells

14/06/2006 - The food industry is facing up to the issue of salt reduction. But how can this compound - so important in the preparation and storage of food - be replaced without the consumer tasting the difference?

The health implications of high salt intake are backed up by research from a wide range of sources.
Numerous scientists are convinced that high salt intake is responsible for increasing blood pressure (hypertension), a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) - a disease that causes almost 50 per cent of deaths in Europe.
CVD is reported to cost the EU economy an estimated € 169bn ($202bn) per year.
In the UK, Ireland and the USA, over 80 per cent of salt intake comes from processed food, with 20 per cent of salt intake coming from meat and meat products, and about 35 per cent from cereal and cereal products. Reduction of salt in these products represents a major technological and safety challenge to producers.
Despite the obvious impact on taste, salt performs a wide variety of other functions. In processed meat products, for example, salt is involved in activating proteins to increase water-binding activity, improves the binding and textural properties of proteins, helps with the formation of stable batters with fat, and also extends shelf-life with its anti-microbacterial effects.
Eoin Desmond, research manager at Irish blending company AllinAll Ingredients and author of a new review in the journal Meat Science (doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2006.04.014), told FoodNavigator.com that the reduced salt product market is still niche with cost being a major, if not the major, obstacle for low-salt products.
Despite these current restrictions, the technology is developing, and according to Desmond, there are three initiatives available to reduce the salt content of meat products, each with technological limitations and considerations.
The first option is the use of salt substitutes, most notably potassium chloride (KCl). However, blends of half-half KCl-NaCl have metallic, bitter tastes with markedly less 'saltiness'. Replacement blends of the salts in the range 25 to 40 per cent potassium appear best to avoid noticeable impacts of the flavour.
Higher concentrations of KCl can be used, but masking agents need to be added to cover the adverse taste.
Commercial low-sodium salt replacers are currently available, like Lo salt, Saxa So-low and Morton Lite Salt. Another example is Pansalt, a salt replacer that is reported to have almost half of the sodium replaced with KCl, magnesium sulphate and the amino acid L-lysine hydrochloride. This last ingredient is said to enhance the saltiness of the and mask the tastes from potassium and magnesium.
It should be noted though there are concerns with salt replacers for certain sections of the population, like people with type-1 diabetes, kidney problems, and heart failure, due to the increase in potassium load on the body.
The second approach to salt reduction is the flavour enhancers, such as yeast extracts, nucleotides, and monosodium glutamate. "Taste enhancers work by activating receptors in the mouth and throat, which helps compensate for the salt reduction," explained Desmond.
The third alternative for salt reduction is the optimisation of the physical form of the salt, making it more taste bioavailable and therefore reducing the amount of salt needed.
Research has looked at how crystal size and shape affect the perception of salt, including investigating flake salt or granular salt. The flake type has been reported to be more functional, in terms of protein solubilisation, binding and increasing pH."A number of companies, such as Morton Salt and Cargill Salt, manufacture various forms of salt and claim that they can be used at reduced levels and therefore there is potential to reduce the sodium content in products," said Desmond.
And only recently, as reported on FoodNavigator.com, Indian researchers announced that they had perfected a method of making round salt, producing a product that doesnt cake. It is not clear however if such round salt could be used in meat or baking products and the researchers have not performed any studies on differentiated taste.
"Research is continuing to look at various flavours, in particular more savoury/umani taste to enhance the flavour of reduced salt products," said Desmond.
But Desmond said that for the recommendations of salt reduction to be met there needed to be industry and government agencies working together, as we are seeing in some countries like the UK and Ireland. Re-education of consumers was also going to be a challenge.
"A reduced salt product which is left on the shelf or to which customers add salt at the table will not benefit anyone."
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://mailman1.u.washington.edu/pipermail/phnutr-l/2006-June/007993.html">http://mailman1.u.washington.edu/pipermail/phnutr-l/2006-June/007993.html</a>
The science of salt reduction in food
Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD fivestar at nutritionucanlivewith.com
Wed Jun 14 07:54:11 PDT 2006
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Colleagues, the following is FYI and does not necessarily reflect my own
opinion. I have no further knowledge of the topic. If you do not wish to
receive these posts, set your email filter to filter out any messages
coming from @nutritionucanlivewith.com and the program will remove
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The science of salt reduction in food

By Stephen Daniells
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.foodnavigator.com/news/ng.asp?n=68415&m=1fne614&c=xeiqgoegavfxtla">http://www.foodnavigator.com/news/ng.asp?n=68415&m=1fne614&c=xeiqgoegavfxtla</a>

14/06/2006 - The food industry is facing up to the issue of salt
reduction. But how can this compound - so important in the preparation
and storage of food - be replaced without the consumer tasting the

The health implications of high salt intake are backed up by research
from a wide range of sources.

Numerous scientists are convinced that high salt intake is responsible
for increasing blood pressure (hypertension), a major risk factor for
cardiovascular disease (CVD) - a disease that causes almost 50 per cent
of deaths in Europe.

CVD is reported to cost the EU economy an estimated € 169bn ($202bn) per

In the UK, Ireland and the USA, over 80 per cent of salt intake comes
from processed food, with 20 per cent of salt intake coming from meat
and meat products, and about 35 per cent from cereal and cereal
products. Reduction of salt in these products represents a major
technological and safety challenge to producers.

Despite the obvious impact on taste, salt performs a wide variety of
other functions. In processed meat products, for example, salt is
involved in activating proteins to increase water-binding activity,
improves the binding and textural properties of proteins, helps with the
formation of stable batters with fat, and also extends shelf-life with
its anti-microbacterial effects.

Eoin Desmond, research manager at Irish blending company AllinAll
Ingredients and author of a new review in the journal Meat Science (doi:
10.1016/j.meatsci.2006.04.014), told FoodNavigator.com that the reduced
salt product market is still niche with cost being a major, if not the
major, obstacle for low-salt products.

Despite these current restrictions, the technology is developing, and
according to Desmond, there are three initiatives available to reduce
the salt content of meat products, each with technological limitations
and considerations.

The first option is the use of salt substitutes, most notably potassium
chloride (KCl). However, blends of half-half KCl-NaCl have metallic,
bitter tastes with markedly less 'saltiness'. Replacement blends of the
salts in the range 25 to 40 per cent potassium appear best to avoid
noticeable impacts of the flavour.

Higher concentrations of KCl can be used, but masking agents need to be
added to cover the adverse taste.

Commercial low-sodium salt replacers are currently available, like Lo
salt, Saxa So-low and Morton Lite Salt. Another example is Pansalt, a
salt replacer that is reported to have almost half of the sodium
replaced with KCl, magnesium sulphate and the amino acid L-lysine
hydrochloride. This last ingredient is said to enhance the saltiness of
the and mask the tastes from potassium and magnesium.

It should be noted though there are concerns with salt replacers for
certain sections of the population, like people with type-1 diabetes,
kidney problems, and heart failure, due to the increase in potassium
load on the body.

The second approach to salt reduction is the flavour enhancers, such as
yeast extracts, nucleotides, and monosodium glutamate. "Taste enhancers
work by activating receptors in the mouth and throat, which helps
compensate for the salt reduction," explained Desmond.

The third alternative for salt reduction is the optimisation of the
physical form of the salt, making it more taste bioavailable and
therefore reducing the amount of salt needed.

Research has looked at how crystal size and shape affect the perception
of salt, including investigating flake salt or granular salt. The flake
type has been reported to be more functional, in terms of protein
solubilisation, binding and increasing pH."A number of companies, such
as Morton Salt and Cargill Salt, manufacture various forms of salt and
claim that they can be used at reduced levels and therefore there is
potential to reduce the sodium content in products," said Desmond.

And only recently, as reported on FoodNavigator.com, Indian researchers
announced that they had perfected a method of making round salt,
producing a product that doesnt cake. It is not clear however if such
round salt could be used in meat or baking products and the researchers
have not performed any studies on differentiated taste.

"Research is continuing to look at various flavours, in particular more
savoury/umani taste to enhance the flavour of reduced salt products,"
said Desmond.

But Desmond said that for the recommendations of salt reduction to be
met there needed to be industry and government agencies working
together, as we are seeing in some countries like the UK and Ireland.
Re-education of consumers was also going to be a challenge.

"A reduced salt product which is left on the shelf or to which customers
add salt at the table will not benefit anyone."
Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD < fivestar at nutritionucanlivewith.com >
"Ask the Parkinson Dietitian" <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.parkinson.org/">http://www.parkinson.org/</a>
"Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease"
"Parkinson's disease: Guidelines for Medical Nutrition Therapy"
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.nutritionucanlivewith.com/">http://www.nutritionucanlivewith.com/</a>
<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.downtoearth.org.in/full6.asp?foldername=20060715&filename=news&sec_id=49&sid=63">http://www.downtoearth.org.in/full6.asp?foldername=20060715&filename=news&sec_id=49&sid=63</a>
round salt: In what may be a boon to consumers and industry, a group of chemists in India has reported a method to make round salt. Scientists have been striving for years to smoothen the shape of common salt, which forms as cube-shaped crystals, to make it free flowing. Pushpito K Ghosh, P Dastidar and their colleagues from the Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, say a bigger market (than domestic consumption) may be industries that store and use sodium chloride in bulk to make everything from chemicals to dyes, fertilisers, paper and pharmaceuticals.

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