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Date Posted: 12:55:27 09/17/06 Sun
Author: Demetrios Nikolaus Tzitas
Subject: REASEARCH ABOUT "red-fleshed apple" AND "fun-flavored string cheese"

"RED-FLESHED APPLE" & "FUN-FLAVORED STRING CHEESE" e os resultados para serem aprimorados até o trabalho final. Sugiro que uma pessoa fique responsável somente em formatar todo o trabalho, refletir sobre as pesquisas e oferecer comentários aprofundados conforme foi pedido, inclusive sobre o item 4 que eu não observei nas minhas conclusões. Só isso seria um trabalhão. Se alguém achar algo interessante que não consta na minha pesquisa deve complementar. esse só é um pontapé inicial...abraços...

Dictionaries used:
1) Kernerman Semi-Bilingual Dictionary: Password – English Dictionary for speakers of Portuguese.
Martins Fontes, São Paulo 1996. Copyright © 1985 and 1986 by W&R Chambers Ltd.
2) Bilingual Dictionary: Longman – Dicionário Escolar – Inglês-Português – Para Estudantes Brasileiros. © Perason Education limited 2002.
3) Bilingual Dictionary: Michaelis - Dicionário prático- Inglês-Português. © 2001 Editora Melhoramentos Ltda.
4) Monolingual Dictionary: Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. © Longman Group UK Limited 1992.
5) Monolingual Dictgionary: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. A S Hornby.
Fourth Edition Chief Editor: A P Cowie. © Oxford University Press 1989.
Words: red-fleshed apple:
Observation: This combination of words was not found in the dictionaries above. I found definition for the words isolated as following:
Dictionary 1) noun:a round fruit (usually with a green or red skin) which can be eaten. Maçã.
Dictionary 2) 1- maçã.
Dictionary 3) noun: maçã.
Dictionary 4) noun 1: a hard round fruit with white juicy flesh and a red, green, or yellow skin: she ate the entire apple, core and all.
Dictionary 5 noun 1: (a) round fruit with firm juicy flesh and green, red or yellow skin when ripe.
Coments: I think we have no problems with the translation of this main word here to maçã.
Dictionary 1) noun 2: the soft part of fruit: the golden flesh of a peach. Polpa.
Dictionary 2) 2 – polpa [de fruta].
Dictionary 3) noun 1: carne do homen e dos animais e polpa das frutas.
Dictionary 4) noun 2: the soft part of a fruit or vegetable, which can be eaten.
Dictionary 5) noun 2: soft pulpy part of fruits and vegetables, the part that is USU eaten.
Coments: I believe that according to the researches done we can translate that to de polpa.
Dictionary 1) noun, adjective 1: (of) the colour of blood: a red car/dress/cheeks. Vermelho.
Dictionary 2) adjetivo & substantivo 1: vermelho.
Dictionary 3) noun 1: cor vermelha.
Dictionary 4) adjective 1: of the colour of blood or fire: a red rose/dress.
Dictionary 5) 1 (a) of the colour of fresh blood or a similar colour: a red sky, door and car.
Coments: I believe that according to the researches done we can translate that to avermelhada, to be more accurate. Therefore, after reflecting on all my researches, I would translate the sentence red-fleshed apple to maçã de polpa avermelhada.
Words: fun-flavored string cheese:
Observation: This combination of words was not found in the dictionaries above. I found definition for the words isolated as following:
Dictionary 1) noun (any type of): a food prepared from the curd of milk and usually pressed into a mass or shape: cheese is full of protein. Queijo.
Dictionary 2) substantivo: queijo.
Dictionary 3) noun: queijo
Dictionary 4) noun (a): soft or firm solid food made from milk: cheese made from the milk of cows, sheep, or goats.
Dictionary 5) noun 1 (a): food made from milk curds: cheddar cheese, a cheese sandwich.
Coments: I believe that according to the researches done we can translate that to queijo with no problems.
Dictionary 1) noun 2: a fibre etc, eg: on a vegetable. Fio.
Dictionary 2) substantivo 1: barbante.
Dictionary 3) noun 6: cadeia, sequência.
Dictionary 4) 3 adjective 1: made of string, esp. woven into a net: a string bag/vest.
Dictionary 5) noun 1: thin card made of twisted threads; twine: attach sth with a length/ piece of string.
Coments: I believe that according to the researches done we can translate that to fibrado to be more accurate.
FLAVOR (American) and FLAVOUR (British):
Dictionary 1) noun 1: taste. Sabor.
verb: to give flavour to : he flavoured the cake with lemon. Aromatizar.
Dictionary 2) substantivo 1: sabor. 2: gosto.
verbo transitivo: temperar.
Dictionary 3) noun 1: sabor, gosto. 3: aroma, odor, fragância.
verbo transitivo 2: dar sabor, dar gosto. 3: perfumar, aromatizar. “veja nota em sabor”.
Nota: Flavour geralmente denota uma combinação de sabores e aromas que percebemos ao
comer ou beber.
Dictionary 4) noun 1: a taste; a quality that only the tongue can experience: this dish has a strong flavour of cheese.
5: flavoured: having the stated flavour: strawberry-flavoured ice cream.
Dictionary 5) noun 3: special quality, characteristic or atmosphere: the film retains much of the book’s exotic flavour.
Flavoured (US-flavored)(forming compound adjectives) having a flavour of the specified kind: lemon-flavoured sweets.
Coments: I believe that according to the researches done we can translate that to com gosto de .
Dictionary 1) noun: enjoyment; a good time: they had a lot of fun at the party. Divertimento.
Dictionary 2) adjetivo: divertido: we had a fun day at the beach. Passamos um dia divertido na praia.
Dictionary 3) noun 1: graça, gracejo. 2: diversão, prazer.
Dictionary 4) 2 adjective: apprec, esp. AmE providing pleasure, amusement, or enjoyment: she’s a fun person to be with.
Dictionary 5) noun 4 [attribution] (especially US) amusing; providing pleasure: a fun hat.
Coments: I believe that according to the researches done we can translate that to diversão . Therefore, after reflecting on all my researches, I would translate the sentence fun-flavored string cheese to queijo fibrado com gosto de diversão.

Words: red-fleshed apple:
1) <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.google.com.br/">http://www.google.com.br/</a> :
a- Found at <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.hortresearch.co.nz/index/news/467">http://www.hortresearch.co.nz/index/news/467</a> (Copyright © 2005 The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Limited) the following text:
“New apple packs health punch
Rich red flesh provides visual delight and antioxidant benefits.
Auckland, New Zealand, 20 March 2006 –A stunning new red-fleshed apple, packed with health-promoting antioxidants, could soon redefine the way consumers and industry perceive the perfect fruit.
New Zealand-based fruit science company HortResearch today unveiled a new apple which carries the fruit’s traditional rosy colouring right to the core.
From the outside the apple looks like almost any other, but bite into or slice it and the fruit’s rich red flesh is revealed – given its unique colour by a high concentration of anthocyanin – an antioxidant known to offer human health benefits.
HortResearch’s work on new apple colours is well known in the science community, and while photographs of the fruit have appeared in scientific literature, little public information has been made available about how the fruit was created, or how close it may be to market.
HortResearch Chief Scientist Dr Ian Ferguson said the apple represents “the next level of achievement” for the company’s established breeding programme, which has already produced numerous successful new apples including the latest blockbuster variety Jazz™.
“Our breeders have built an enviable reputation for innovation and quality and this exciting new fruit is testimony to their skills and imagination,” he said.
Dr Ferguson explained that HortResearch began work in 1998, using apples that have naturally red flesh, but do not possess the external appearance, eating qualities or storage capability required to meet commercial standards.
Breeders crossed these apples with high quality white-fleshed apples, creating breeding lines with fruit that range from white/pink to full purple.
The red-fleshed breeding line has been singled out for immediate fast-track development mainly because the colour is so appealing and HortResearch reports excellent progress.
In the past, taking a new fruit trait from this early stage to full commercialisation has often taken decades of breeding effort, but HortResearch says that by applying the latest genomic science techniques, it could be offering growers the new trees in as little as 5-6 years.
Scientists at the company’s Auckland research campus are now endeavouring to speed up the breeding effort by unlocking the apple’s genetic code. Researchers there have already identified over 150,000 apple ESTs – Expressed Sequence Tags – portions of an entire gene that can be used to help locate and identify unknown genes.
Using this database, they’re well on the way to identifying the genes responsible for turning the apple red – information which will accelerate the efforts of the breeding team.
“We call it Smart Breeding,” said Dr Ferguson.
“We identify ‘marker genes’ that reveal desirable characteristics in fruit – in this case red-flesh – and can then develop tests that enable us to efficiently select elite seedlings from breeding populations that frequently number in the tens of thousands.”
Dr Ferguson was clear that the process did not involve genetic engineering.
“The genes are not modified by us in any way. We simply use our understanding of the genes to identify which of the natural crosses stand the most chance of successfully producing red-fleshed fruit with the right balance of flavour and appearance.”
Getting that balance right can generate huge commercial revenues.
Dr Ferguson said extensive studies, conducted by HortResearch’s own Sensory and Consumer Science team, clearly showed that consumers were willing to pay significant price premiums for fruit with novel colours and tastes, or added health benefits.
The red-fleshed apple is not HortResearch’s first foray into the novel fruit colours. In 1996 the company released to growers a vibrant yellow-fleshed kiwifruit called HORT16A, which has gone on to become a multi-million dollar global success under the brand name ZESPRI™ GOLD.
“I believe the red apple has the same level of commercial promise and am proud of the work of our genomics and breeding teams which will secure the potential of this great new apple,” said Dr Ferguson”.

b- Found at <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://thefruitblog.blogspot.com/2006/07/hortresearch-touts-red-fleshed-apple.html">http://thefruitblog.blogspot.com/2006/07/hortresearch-touts-red-fleshed-apple.html</a> the following text:
“Saturday, July 22, 2006
HortResearch Touts Red-Fleshed Apple
HortResearch develops antioxidant-rich red-fleshed apple
HortResearch is the privatized national horticultural research agency in New Zealand (why so many countries have decided to do that is beyond me...isn't the point of a national research agency to do the type of research no private entity would find economically attractive?). A colleague of mine recently visited them, and they're really hyped up about this red-fleshed apple. They seem to be promoting it as though no one had ever seen a red-fleshed apple before, which is hardly the case. The trait has been known at least as early as the 1930's, as Albert Etter and several state experiment stations released a number of red-fleshed cultivars (there's a list, probably not exhaustive, here.) I'm pretty sure it's a dominant trait, too, so unless there are some unfortunate linkages it shouldn't be too hard to breed for.

Now, they like to claim that the breeding program was driven by nutritional goals. That might well be, I suppose, but I suspect it is a case of searching for justification after the fact (which is fine, don't get me wrong). Apple breeding is a long, slow process, and I would guess any selection nearing release now is from crosses made long before the anthocyanin craze in fruits began. Maybe they were prescient, or maybe they just got lucky. If I had to guess, breeders were messing around with the red-flesh trait basically because it's cool (and it is, be honest), and now that they have it in the breeding program and a justification has appeared, they've decided to promote it that way.

Fine by me, I guess. Just seems to me that if growers thought there was a market for red-fleshed apples, they have cultivars to do it with already. But the New Zealand folks have a mighty impressive history in marketing fruit, so we'll see how this shakes out.”
2) <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://br.cade.yahoo.com/:">http://br.cade.yahoo.com/:</a>
a- Found at <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://web.ukonline.co.uk/suttonelms/apple43.html">http://web.ukonline.co.uk/suttonelms/apple43.html</a> the following text:

The first red-fleshed apple I encountered was RED DEVIL, a fruit of unexceptional flavour unless taken straight from the branch. This is a good decorative tree, with striking red-pink blossom and slender habit. It is a cross between "Discovery" and "Kent" and at best, it has a hint of strawberry in its flavour. It produces pink juice, and was raised 1975 by H.F.Ermen at Faversham, Kent.

I have been contacted by a number of apple collectors and growers since starting the site, and two people have supplied me with scions of red-fleshed apples; I am grateful to. D.L. and G.H. for their "Surfleet Sour", a red-fleshed sour cooker from near Spalding, and "George's Red" from Essex, which is an otherwise un-named apple from a tree 100 years old resembling "Red Devil" in appearance”.

Coments: All the texts found in the internet search engines talked about the same kind of fruit, revealing new researches and claming responsability for that kind of breed.
Words: fun-flavored string cheese:
1) <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.google.com.br/">http://www.google.com.br/</a> :
a) Found at <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.tesh.com/ittrium/visit?path=A1x97x1y1xa5x1x76y1x242bx1x9by1x2430x1y5x4a7ax5x1.">http://www.tesh.com/ittrium/visit?path=A1x97x1y1xa5x1x76y1x242bx1x9by1x2430x1y5x4a7ax5x1.</a> Privacy Policy-Contact Us-login © The Tesh Media Group 2006, All Rights Reserved. The following text:
“Food Scientists are Coming Up With Fun Foods
The future of food is looking pretty yummy. Check out some of the new ideas in food concocted by food scientists to make what we eat more functional – and more fun. We read about these new trends in Newsweek magazine:
àBut sour apple string cheese may be in stores in 4 years. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin are working on fun flavored string cheese to get kids to eat more dairy. So far, they’ve experimented with sour apple, watermelon, and cotton candy flavored cheese.”
b) Found at <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14322119/site/newsweek/">http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14322119/site/newsweek/</a> . Malak Hamwi
© 2006 Newsweek, Inc. © 2006 MSNBC.com. The following text:
“Food: The Future Is Yummy
HortResearch, a New Zealand-based fruit-science company, is developing a red-fleshed apple. The color comes from an infusion of anthocyanin, an antioxidant linked to improving memory, vision and circulation. The product won't hit shelves for a decade. But sour-apple mozzarella may be in stores in three to five years. Researchers at the Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are working on fun-flavored string cheese for kids, experimenting with flavors like watermelon and cotton candy.”
2) <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://br.cade.yahoo.com/:">http://br.cade.yahoo.com/:</a>
Found at <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.stringcheese.info/">http://www.stringcheese.info/</a> the following text:
Welcome to my favorite String Cheese Portal
String Cheese Recalled By Waldo Based Firm
Issued a recall of several products Monday because they may be contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. Waldo Schneider Cheese Inc. The Waldo based company said it had not received any reports of illnesses associated with the cheese, but the bacteria can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, the elderly and others with weak immune systems. String cheese recalled by Waldo based firm.

Words: red-fleshed apple:
1) At <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/">http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/</a> I found:
I have tried for couple of times to search but apparently I don’t know how to use it or it was not working at the time.
2) At <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.collins.co.uk/corpus/corpusSearch.aspx">http://www.collins.co.uk/corpus/corpusSearch.aspx</a> I found:
a) I have tried the Collocation Sampler with all combinations possible of the words red-fleshed apple together and in isolation and could not find any collocation in that sequence except for red apple.
b) I have tried the Corpus Concordance Sampler with all combinations possible of the words red-fleshed apple, together and in isolation and could not get any results except for isolated words. The isolated word result which I found interesting to mention was the one to follow regarding to the word fleshed:
manner in which that theme was so amply `fleshed-out", but the simple fact that it was a
caster sugar [p] 700g (1 1/2lb) ripe orange-fleshed melon (charentais or cantaloupe) [p] 250ml (
cool. [p] 2 Halve and deseed the orange-fleshed melon. Place the flesh in a food processor
Wiz's bittersweet tones. [p] But everything is fleshed out and coloured in, too-the vocal harmonies
favorite varieties at present are the yellow-fleshed `Lizzy' and the paler Marian'. [p] [c]
After the slinky tangy rock of Orange Delixe (fleshed around the bones of Five Thirty) come Weirds
executed by characters that are fully fleshed out, not Woo, who was raised among Lutherans
encounter in St Paul's letters is in no way a fleshed-out human being. When the first of the
bare framework of the initial idea was quickly fleshed out by imaginative embroidery, with
stuck. Whilst the angels were helping a well-fleshed stockbroker to find his wallet, I chatted to
disappointed wives, the battle for his soul is fleshed out by Heino and Heinrich (Peter Hamilton
[p] Glimpses of this cultural hinterland fleshed out what can otherwise become a predictable
Blair's `stakeholder" society is from being fleshed out, the idea itself is enough to open `red
There are two main varieties: the orange-fleshed type and the white-fleshed. I happen to
the orange-fleshed type and the white-fleshed. I happen to prefer the former, which has a
texture and a soft chestnut flavour. White-fleshed sweet potatoes are much mealier (more like a
in this article have been tested with orange-fleshed sweet potatoes. [p] Despite their lack of
pair. Though the colour given by orange-fleshed potatoes is jazzier, white ones will work
dish and, with the bright colour of orange-fleshed potato, it looks as lovely as it tastes.
This then, is the core of the book, which is fleshed out with discussions and diagrams showing
of a face building technique where a skull is fleshed out to look like it did when the person was
James and Blythe's characters are being fleshed out as they investigate their own cases.
information [p] The family structural map is fleshed out by adding information about
Yesterday Pentagon spokesman Pete Williams fleshed out some of the considerations in the
a number of overarching proposals, some barely fleshed out. First, the president said the US must
[p] Economic experts and business leaders fleshed out some of the key elements of President-
for example, replaces corned beef with firm-fleshed fish in its Smoked Salmon Reuben. In
veteran Tom Bosley in the L.A. production) is fleshed out with a sweet ballad called `No Matter
Words: fun-flavored string cheese:
1) At <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/">http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/</a> I found:
I have tried for couple of times to search but apparently I don’t know how to use it or it was not working at the time.
2) At <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.collins.co.uk/corpus/corpusSearch.aspx">http://www.collins.co.uk/corpus/corpusSearch.aspx</a> I found:
a) I have tried the Collocation Sampler with all combinations possible of the words fun-flavored string cheese together and in isolation and could not find any collocation in that sequence except for flavored food.
b) I have tried the Corpus Concordance Sampler with all combinations possible of the words fun-flavored string cheese, together and in isolation and could not get any results except for isolated words. The isolated word result which I found interesting to mention was the one to follow regarding to the words:
1- string:
one to five. Each coin is on a ength of thin string which represents the camera cable. This'
bearing your initial. Supplied in a draw-string pouch. Diameter 4 1/4", capacity 9oz. Please
sibilance, overload distortion, guitary string noise etc. Switchable broad-band or HF-only
have no idea whether we would feel we could string a track out for that long. The longest we
a small town. Now that you can get by with a string quartet for this one, the symnphony does
growing out of each other almost like a string of sausages. I my experience it has occurred
re getting close to the tightly marshalled six-string stoked excellence of this West Lothian
and doubt, all drenched in huge, ornate string arrangements and soul-sobbing harmonies.
she got a part in Lorna Doone. Then followed a string of films which mad Margaret Lockwood a major
at the end of which had been wrapped a torn string vest and the striped sleeve of a pyjama top.
Marshall Loveless and Ambrose Means, and a string of 10 horses, he set out from the States
working through the water behind the towing string. I was charmed with the machine, and the old
a Russian mujik in baggy trousers and a dirty string-tied coat, boards his No 24 tram for all the
saxophonist Barbara Thompson, the Medici String Quartet and the BBC Singers exploring the
techniques in three deft miniatures for string trio; adapts Croatian folksong in the
through the complete cycle of Beethoven's string quartets brings different insights into music
night's was to do with cars and featured a string of mechanics and even a couple of normal
with increasing pressure that produced a string of chances but only one goal. Paul Wardle,
be professionally performed was a concerto for string orchestra, written when he was 14. [p]
[p] Arsenal's old zest was back and only a string of stunning saves from Steve Cherry prevented
Graeme Jarman, jailed for seven years for a string of offences including rape, kidnap and
headquarters. [p] There have already been a string of job cuts. [p] Sir Norman Fowler said the
horse to train. Owner Robert Sangster's second string 100-1 [p] BROADWAY FLYER [p] An enthusiastic
[/h] [p] A YOUNGSTER has been accused of a string of driving offences, even though he is only
to be a passing side, yet we couldn't seem to string anything together. [p] A point would have
as an alternative to being jailed for a string of shoplifting offences. [p] The device was
stars such as Kim Wilde, Steffi Graf and a string of top models - but never dressed in a vest.
him without Hoski's knowing he was spotted. A string tied to a key man in the Buffalo Society
a twenty-dollar bill across the floor with a string. Politically, he was cautious and reactive.
cycles are more highly valued. Babies begin to string two or three two-hour cycles together without
I carry a tommy-gun in a violin case! I run a string of cat-houses in the Valley! They call me
going to go into it, you know, with a third string, and we're not going to go into it with the
the Islamic fundamentalist Hamas carried out a string of attacks on Israeli security forces that
the eyes are. [p] Cut two pieces of ribbon or string, each about 12 inches long. Poke a hole into
this, that's tuned to 440, and you play with string and reed players who adjust to what they hear
long stick via a [c] measurements [/c] long string. Whirl the capsule around the stick: the
if you've got an X-bar then that consists of a string of more one or [ZF1] o [ZF0] of zero or more
you'd like to pick that out. There's a whole string of them. [M01] Oh right. Right. [M02] He'll
d get this [F01] Mm [F02] really long piece of string and tie all the door knobs together all the

2- fun:
likeminded friends can be challenging and great fun. If you want to join an established group or
Cadbury World trip and you've got a complete fun day out. Try the signposted Factory Trail
Food & Drink Live Cal-Ital" Cuisine [p] The fun-loving `Food & Drink" team turn you on to
and a bit like trivia games, this is a lot of fun for everyone, whether you known your Much Ado'
cartoon The Tick, or indulge in classic cartoon fun with the return of Dangermouse. [p] THE
David Morris's new diffusion range is bold, fun, versatile, original and artfully enlivened
ULTRAMARINE, East Static, The Suns Of Arqa and Fun-Da-Mental play the Megadog at the London UNL
Entry5 pound; 4 Flesh members. Intimate, sexy, fun nights for dykes, queers and their friends at
you do things your way. And it'll be a lot more fun if you do it your way.' I think it's good to
[/h] [h] Essential EXTRAS [/h] The really fun bit of kitting out a bathroom comes after you'
21-30, with intelligence, common sense and a fun personality, for friendship and possible 1-2-
whistles. As an image it's formidable. [p] But Fun-Da-Mental's symbolic value is a little
because Tall Dwarves are so cheap. They keep it fun. He's a clever songwriter and can sing quite
personality, and sense of humour looking for fun, friendship but not strings with good-looking
she will be bloody rich. She might even think it fun. She'll be wildly flattered if you ask her to
in a secret beer cellar. It was all great fun and, to everyone's horror, we almost won the
direct feel. If you enjoy driving sideways for fun, the MX-5 is for you. It still offers good
Crisis Sunday Times Appeal. [p] [h] Memory of fun in court 13;Atticus [/h] [b] Taki [/b] [p] Ten
it hit the mine. [p] [h] Fun in the House, no fun for the homeless;Political Sketch;Opinion [/h]
Too much practising for nothing. It's no fun. Still, it might be a blessing in disguise
to me. I know him well and he's tremendous fun. I had tremendous respect for him as a player
flowed, Terry found it impossible to join in the fun. [p] How could I when we had just been
Powell's message: `To the sniper comes all the fun of war [p] The modern soldier knows better, so
and the graphics in general are colourful and fun with humorous touches. [p] Lost Vikings is
with fake fur trimmings. [p] [h] Just out for fun;Hollywood Gossip;Screen Today [/h] [b] Lucy
but jumping in and out of the rollers is great fun - with a close watch on children, of course -
DA de da da … You know, it might be fun." [p] Not a good idea, man." Leo was shaking
get together, we became great buddies. It was fun having a partner in crime and we used to go
of Gertrude Stein. [p] Parodies was great fun, but it was also clearly the work of a
immersed himself in Stalling's music A lot of fun," he said, for the first 80 scores or so. A
to have fun. [p] Chaffin: Well, I--I think it's fun. [p] Isay: Dewey is a disabled coal miner
picture, caption and number [/c] [p] C-D. Family Fun! Exciting 3-dimensional puzzles to challenge
piece puzzles. [c] price [/c] [p] SKILL-BUILDING FUN [p] Kids enjoy these 6 books so much they don'
[/c] [h] LEARN & PLAY [/h] [h] FOOD & FUN [/h] [c] catalog number and photo [/c] [h] A.
own craft business, or just crafting for the fun of it, I want to share some of my best
you need to coax your comic book addict into the fun of physics. The authors are a college physics
trialist and suddenly Oh theatre. Theatre's good fun. There's women involved with it for a start
Britain. Jonathan King he's a bit naff but he's fun for two hours and he talks a lot of rubbish
writing or something like that it makes it more fun [ZGY] computer [ZGY] [F02] That leads me on to
in the sea [F01] Yeah [F02] which is lots more fun than on a lake because [F01] Yeah [F02] of

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