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Date Posted: 02:53:52 04/25/06 Tue
Author: Hep-Forte
Subject: Hep-Forte offers nutritional support for overall liver health

Hep-Forte is a comprehensive formulation of amino acids, protein, B vitamins, antioxidants and other nutritional factors that have been shown to be important in maintenance and support of normal liver (hepatic) function. A popular seller worldwide, Hep-Forte offers nutritional support for overall liver health, particularly in cases of:
Hepatic dysfunction due to hepatoxic drugs and liver poisons
Male and female hormonal imbalance due to hepatic dysfunction.
The treatments for liver cancer are few. liver cancer symptoms do not usually become visible until the hepatoma is advanced, so detection is often too late. Other risk factors, such a cirrhosis, usually make surgery or other treatments risky.There are 2 categories of liver cancer, Liver Metastases which happens when a cancer from another site spreads to the liver, or, Primary Liver Cancer which is relatively uncommon. The most common primary liver cancer is called hepatocellular carcinoma which is known to arise in the liver cells.More Info

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