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Subject: A ROCK KANDY POEM for the Holidays

A Fan
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Date Posted: Sunday, December 26, 07:49:56am

T’was the night of the concert & all through the flock.
Not a fan wasn’t cheering impatient to rock.
The T-shirts were hung in a way to entice,
the star-stricken groupies to pay the high price.

Some people were nestled all snug in the pit,
while others less crazy had chosen to sit.
While some dressed in leather, the others in jeans,
they all couldn’t wait for the band to be seen.

When out on the stage there arose such a clatter!
I sprang from my seat so that I could see better!
Away from the middle I flew like a flash,
Tore ‘round the bimbos to join the thrash!

The lights on the rack gave a colorful show,
& the luster of magic to the musicians below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear?
But a rockin display of Rob’s solo revere!

The drummer so lively & quick,
I knew in a moment he might break a stick.
More rapid than ever, the drumming it came.
Fan’s whistled & shouted & acted insane!

On Kevin! On L.A.Chris! On P.J. On T.T. On R.K. & Ian!
On stage in a frenzy for musical passion.
From the front of the crowd, to the back of the hall,
Now smash away, dance away, sing away all!

As Kevin & L.A.Chris, they let fingers fly.
The laser lights gleaming from ground to the sky.
All over the neck, their fingers they flew,
while P.J. & Rob kept the funkiest grove.

And then in a twinkling, I hear in a rage,
the pushing & pawing in front off the stage.
As I drew in my head & was turning around,
off the stage Ian came with a bound!

He was dressed all in black as he jumped in the pit,
& his body was glistened with Labatt Blue & sweat.
He had a thin frame & blonde flowing hair,
which he shook like a mop when he climbed out of there.

My eyes how they twinkled at all of the pack.
At L.A. Chris who played his guitar ‘hind his back.
His round little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
& the beard on his chin was a small furry row.

As Kevin held a cigarette in his teeth tighter,
the smoke it encircled his head like a viper.
He rocked to the beat. A right jolly ol’ elf,
& he laughed at Ian enjoying himself.

T.T. served not a smile, but formed not a frown,
& filled the arena with deep pulsing sound.
And wearing sunglasses & 80's clothes,
she gave me a nod & my blood pressure rose!

We sprang through the air as the last note descends.
Then away they all threw lots of picks, sticks, & skins.
And I heard Ian exclaim as they moved out of sight,
"See ya next time, man!" on that great ROCK KANDY night.

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