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Subject: And to make sure everyone understands this: A deposit is deducted from a balance. Your $100 deposit will be deducted from your total Entry Fee for the Southeast Model & Talent Showcase. Please email me for sibling discount information. If you have not received a packet, please let me know! We have them available on email and at the studio! You may use your credit card or debit card to pay online or you may write a check for your fees associated with the SEMTS. All checks should be made out to BLACK CROW MEDIA EVENTS.

Ms. Amanda
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Date Posted: 05:21:19 02/10/09 Tue
In reply to: Ms. Amanda 's message, "VERY BUSY TWO WEEKS AHEAD!!" on 18:37:30 02/09/09 Mon

>Hello Everyone!
>Just a few reminders:
>This Sunday, February 15th: Southeast Model & Talent
>Workshop from 3-5pm at Mathis Auditorium. Remember,
>you must pay your deposit of $100 to attend. All
>checks should be made payable to Black Crow Media.
>Workshops are not mandatory but STRONGLY suggested!!
>Saturday, February 20th: Deadline for the Titletown
>Tots & Teen Photo Contest. Applications can be
>downloaded from our website. This event is sponsored
>by Black Crow Media.
>Saturday, February 28th: 11:00am: Mathis Auditorium:
>PARENTS should plan on attending and ALL CHILDREN
>SEVEN and OLDER should attend. Even if you think you
>know it all..still plan on attending...we learn
>something new each and every day about this industry
>and we want to share with you!!
>Saturday, February 28th 3:00pm: Jeans and Tshirt
>Pageant at Mathis Auditorium 3:00pm This is a NATURAL
>pageant, benefiting The Make a Wish Foundation and
>judged by CFT in Orlando....a SAG agency!! Only $40 to
>enter! For more information, please email
>March 7th: Hold this date open!! I believe we will
>have a fashion show at the mall at 1pm...still ironing
>out details with the stores.
>We will let you know by Friday when our photo workshop
>will be rescheduled!
>This has been a great beginning to 2009! We are having
>the best year yet and are so glad you are on this
>journey with us!!
>Much love!
>Ms. Amanda

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