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Subject: AM&T and AMTC

Ms. Amanda
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Date Posted: 20:14:43 02/10/09 Tue

Hello Everyone!

I hope this finds you all doing well.

We are having a great 2009 so far and have been very blessed!

This note is to inform you that as of February 2nd, I ended my business relationship with AMTC.

AMTC is an incredible modeling and talent convention, and this is not to be confused with a talent agency.

I was a contracted employee...as a Direct Coach. Amanda's Models & Talent also attended AMTC as a group for several years.

We (Amanda's Models & Talent) are here as an agency and a training facility to continue to help and guide you through your journey in the entertainment industry.

We respect AMTC, and we are very grateful for our time with them as a company. We remain close with many in the company.

Many of you have signed with our agency. Our affiliation or lack thereof does not affect this agreement or our relationship.

We are still working for you all through follow-ups, placements, and bookings.

This is a positive change for Amanda's Models & Talent, and we are very excited about our future. We have the full support of AMTC's attending agents, casting directors and managers.

If you have ANY questions, feel free to call me anytime!

Agency: (229) 245-1224
Cell: (229) 834-3291
Home (229) 576-0882

Many thanks for your support & blessings always,

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