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Date Posted: 04:15:46 04/14/03 Mon
Author: .owen.
Subject: .nothing.to.say.
In reply to: Erica 's message, "150% of the time.." on 03:23:18 04/14/03 Mon

Owen leaned 'gainst one of the barn's support beams, his arms crossed casually 'cross his chest as he watched Erica tend to the horses and their stuff. For the moment, he was expressionless as he watched, just thinking about certain things -- and trying hard not to think about other certain things... Like his sister, for instance. He really wasn't keen on talking about Emma for long periods of time, 'specially since he felt partly responsible for the way she acted towards him -- and every single person that had ever came in contact with him. "I don't really know if what you did was completely wrong... In some other circumstances, it might have been... In this one, you sort of had a right." Owen's smirked a little as he recalled the sounding crack as Erica's fist had come in contact with Emma's jaw... That had been fun to watch. "Besides, I kind of enjoyed watching you kick ass... It was kind of like girl-boxing, and I had first-row seats," Owen chuckled, now trying to stray from the Emma topic, because it was one of those topics that he'd rather have nothing to say about it.

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