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Date Posted: 06:12:39 05/01/03 Thu
Author: Nealy
Subject: She rests against the colt lightly, finally getting him tacked up and his legs wrapped. She then puts on her chaps and helmet and leads the colt to the arena. She turns on the lights and enters, springing into the saddle easily despite her small size. The animal was docile, and didn't do much 'cept lift his head as she got on him. Her feet find her stirrups as she lets him leisurely walk 'round the arena.
In reply to: Nealy 's message, ".crazy beasts." on 05:56:17 05/01/03 Thu

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  • he didn't dismount the stud...only turned him back down the isle...there was a back way into the arena and he felt like taking it with an entrance. He nudged the colt into a canter...smoothing it out into a gallop around the barn...crouching over the horses long neck. Luckily someone had forgotten to close the back gate so they sailed through at an easy gallop...crossing the straight path of the women and her horse (NT) -- Lance, 06:19:44 05/01/03 Thu

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