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Date Posted: 07:21:47 05/01/03 Thu
Author: Lance
Subject: I cant hurt you?
In reply to: Nealy 's message, ".worldwide." on 07:12:29 05/01/03 Thu

his lips pursed somewhat and he wheeled the now fiery colt around I don't give a shit if you're a women...smart off to me and I'll hawl off and put you in the hospitol. And why am I not familure? Because maybe I'm living in the states while you're off riding for some rinky dinky snob ass in 'Europe' while Im over here winning my ass off...and don't even insult my horses..telling me yours is valuble...you saying mine arent? At 3...'B' is one of the top contestants for horse of the year...and Smu here could kick ass in endurance when I decide to take him. he was starting to shake now...it was what he did when he was angery And If Im a newbie then damn..you ain't even been born yet. his lips pursed...he was over with her for tonight...giving a soft heel to Smu he took of at a full fledge gallop...effortlessly dissarpeering into the darkness...she wanted to smart off more she could go into the woods after him. She could ride for Europe for all he cared, what he did was called a sport...you screw up on a x-country course and you either have to run a couple miles to catch your horse...or you get to wake up in a hospitol...or not even wake up

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