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Date Posted: 05:45:46 08/21/03 Thu
Author: Kaori
Subject: -*Drives her van up.*-

-*Kaori pulls her van up outside the stable and puts it in park. Hopping out of the van, she trooted around to the side of the four horse and lowered the ramp. Kaori tucked a few lose strands of her ed hair behind her ears as she grabbed a shank. She snapped the clip to the bottom of the first horses halter and lead him off the van. I tall bay stallion pranced sideways down the asile and into his stall. She gave him a quite moment to settle, before hurrying back for the mare. As Kaori grew closer, the mare nickered loudly and stopmed her hooves.*-

"Alright! Alright! I'm coming!"

-*She hopped up the the ramp and snapped the shank on. The impatient horse pushed at the bar holding her in until it was pulled out of the lock and lowered, giving her the chance to jump forward. Giving a light tug on the mares halter to calm her, Kaori turned the horse towards the door, only to have her leap down the ramp with one step. She snored and lunged all the way to her stall, giving Kaori a hard time. Once in her stall, the mare relaxed a little, but started her usual habit of running the stall in circles.*-

"Too bad I couldn't bring Mikey with us, huh girl?"

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