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Spank With Love Forum
Spank with Love
Important Note:
Due to health reasons there may be times when there are significant delays in approving posts. Advance apologies for any delays. As time and health allow, I will continue to approve previously submitted posts.

Associated forums:
Family Forum - www.voy.com/228811/ A "family-friendly" forum strictly moderated to be suitable for kids.
Parents Forum - www.voy.com/229272/ A forum specific for parents and caregivers and those that have raised children.
Alternative Forum - Spanking with Love. An alternative forum run by another moderator. That moderator also apparently runs a more full-featured forum on Pro-Boards.

Welcome to Spank with Love - A discussion forum for parents and readers of the "Spank with Love" site. Note that the original "Spank with Love" site was deleted when Geocities closed and an updated copy of that site under the name "Chastise with Love" has been opened. There is now an official forum for that site: www.chastisewithlove.com/forum/

This is a place for parents/caregivers that choose to include spanking in their discipline toolbox to discuss all issues related to discipline and parenting. Find support, offer advice, and discuss with other parents (kids may contribute as well). Please note that this forum is not officially associated with either the original "Spank with Love" site nor the "Chastise with Love" site and this forum's administrator has no responsibility for the content of those sites.

Another site that seems to be based on the "Spank with Love" site is: Smart Spank.

Please follow these guidelines when posting to the "Spank with Love" Voy Forum. Remember, this forum is intended to be a supportive place for parents (and kids) in families where spanking is utilized.
1. No Flames. Please treat all other posters with respect even if you disagree with them or think their post to be a fake. Please do not accuse anyone of being a liar, fake, child abuser, etc. You may express your opinions in respectful ways. You may also respectfully criticize actions/behaviors (not persons).
2. No Profanity. Please do not include any language in your posts that is generally accepted to be profanity in American standard English. One that often prompts deletion is the three-letter word for the part of the body typically subjected to spanking.
3. No discussion of spanking of persons over the age of 18. This group is to support parents who choose to use spanking in their families. While it may be that adult (over 18) persons may still be spanked by their parents and while those persons (both parents and adult children) may need an outlet for support - this forum is not that outlet.
4. Minor Children may not post contact or identifying information. Kids that post on this site may not include any information that would allow another individual to make outside contact with them. This includes email address, mention of the city where they live, etc.
5. No posts of prurient or sexually charged nature. The forum admin will attempt to use his best judgment in restricting such content.

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