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Date Posted: 11:49:46 06/23/06 Fri
Author: Debra
Subject: Merrily We Roll Along . . .

I recently had the dubious distinction of being banned from a Southern Gospel Music site. I made the 'mistake'(as they see it), of making some of the points I made in the above post about the feminization of male quartets. I was lambasted for saying that some of the male singers look effeminate. My remarks were turned into a discussion (complete with all the liberal church talk; ie. 'judgemental', 'critical', 'legalistic', etc.), about hairstyles. The point I was trying to make went far beyond hairstyles. It has more to do with lifestyles and things that are going on among those in the Southern Gospel Field. But I touched the 'idol' (and evidently a nerve), and was banished. Boo hoo. Oh, boo hoo!

It is not at all surprising that feathers are ruffled when someone hits too close to home. I've seen it happen in churches. As a teen, I attended a church in which a married man was cheating on his wife with a married woman. The 2 couples all attended the church and did business together. The whole church knew what was going on -- including the pastor. When the situation was finally addressed, oh the howling! Those involved had staked out their 'comfort zones' of sin with the approval of those around them, and woe be unto those who called them on it. This went on for years. Finally, the cheating man repented, but has been plagued with health problems for years. It's a good thing his wife stuck by him -- he needs her, now. The husband of the cheating woman finally got enough and divorced her. Her infidelities have left a trail of blood among her family. Sin takes its toll.

The Southern Gospel Music arena isn't so different than that church. Although there are many good SG groups who love God and are sincere about ministry, there are things going on among others that everybody knows about -- people breaking up each other's homes, sexual immorality, you name it -- and those who address these issues become villians. A 'comfort zone' has been created among those engaging in sin, and those who so much as attempt to address it are not welcome. But I recall the words of the Apostle Paul, written under the unction of the Holy Spirit: "For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate (endure) sound and wholesome instruction, but, having ears itching [for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold,
And will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-made fictions." 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (Amplified Bible)

I think too, of the Words of Jesus: "So to what shall I compare the men of this generation? And what are they like?
They are like little children sitting in the marketplace, calling to one another and saying, We piped to you [playing wedding], and you did not dance; we sang dirges and wailed [playing funeral], and you did not weep." Luke 7:31-33 (Amplified Bible). Those greedy money changers in the Southern Gospel Music Temples are piping and dancing, and can't understand those who won't join in. No doubt their theme is 'Merrily We Roll Along'. But sadly, sin always brings a pitiful end to the parade. God will not share His glory with a man and will judge those who take His Name in vain for the purpose of money or power, or self promotion. Eventually He Himself will personally run the money changers off. I fear it will not be pretty.

As for me, I desire to keep my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. An old song says, "Souls are dying, men are crying . . . win the lost at any cost." The hour is late and the need is great. I wish to feed sheep. Those who wish to blind their eyes and stop their ears to the sin around them, and continue growing rich, using the Name of Jesus, entertaining goats, may do so. They'll find themselves before a Holy God saying, "But didn't I sing about you all these years?" Too late. Let them roll merrily along while they can. I'll just remain a "judgemental odd ball", thank you.


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