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Subject: Herbal drugs to increase SEXUAL PLEASURE, POTENCY, ECSTASY and ORGASM

Mantis Prayor
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Date Posted: 03:52:02 02/21/18 Wed

Please copy the links and use them in the address line of your browser-


Learn about herbs to make sexual potency, ecstasy and pleasure for mwn and women and see smart sex products to enlarge and fortify erections, female functions, pleasure and orgasms





Advices and products that can enlarge the penis and help straighten out a twisted and bent penis, as by Peyronie's disease.


Smart masturbation techniques for all the sensual parts you have on and inside yourself




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Effective slimming advices



Remote controle airplanes, helicopters, drones, UFOs, boats, cars, robots






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Help against common health problems, including edema, hemorrhoids, constipation, hypothyroidism, over-weight, urinary tract infection, PMS, prostata issues, weak heart and circulation, arthritis, fibromyalgia, yeast infection, cold and flu, asthma, allergies, hay fever, acne, rosacea, vitiligo, eczema, depression, poor memory and concentration, brittle bones and more



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Why is Frencgh so different phonetically than the rest of the Romance languages

French share some properties with other central European languages, like fronted rounded vowels and uvular r, and with the languages right south, like nasal vowels. So what we have is a mutually enforced development. At an earlier period the central European area developed mutually a heavy stress pattern that obscured the endings of the words. But French has since that time developed a stress pattern with nearly equal weight on each syllable.


How can UFOs make abrubt maneuvers and fly by extreme velosity without getting wrecked or making sonic booms?

Most UFOs are probably secret drones or areal vehicles made here on Earth without any help from extraterrestrials. These surely cannot make such maneuvers.
Also such maneuvers are not very commonly seen actually.
Possibly those extreme apparitions or radar tracks are hoaxes made by holographic techniques by secret services yo keep people believing in extraterrestrial visitors so that own secret activities are misunderstood when spotted by people. In that case such maneuvers are easily mimicked.
There might be real extraterrestrial vehicles out there. If these really can move by such patterns, is not so sure, since these extreme flying patterns most probably are hoaxed. Possibly they can set up some strong force fields that act equally at all parts of the vehicle and at everything inside them at the same time.

Thereby nothing will be injured even though the force is extreme.
Possibly also such vehicles can set itself in a state where forces from the air do not apply, or it can guide the air smoothly around itself. In that case no sonic boom will occur.

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