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Date Posted: 19:46:06 12/25/09 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Copied from Blue Board that AM crashed after caught selling prizes supposed to award at TKO camp!

# feel bad that u rip off people and used tko name to do it and a phony camp.no good director (NT) -- would ever post there winners list on bash board!, 15:44:09 12/16/09 Wed

* She posted a winners list but didn't list WHAT THEY RECEIVED! List means nothing! (NT) -- No name, 17:30:53 12/16/09 Wed
o dianely won GG roster fee (NT) -- No name, 18:27:59 12/16/09 Wed

# everyone won their registration paid to beautiful me nationals and a savings bond there. (NT) -- I think everyone got discounts to SB, IFF & beary, 18:33:48 12/16/09 Wed
# She yelled @ my child while tanning and then jerked on her arm doing her nails at pageantfest!!! (NT) -- This woman is a nutcase!, 02:53:03 12/21/09 Mon

* AGREED! NUT CASE!!!!! (NT) -- No name, 09:38:37 12/21/09 Mon

# she was booking for h/m and my kid hair looked like shit (NT) -- No name, 11:34:54 12/21/09 Mon

* her tan are no good dont waist your $ my dd tan turned green and itch a (NT) -- No name, 11:36:10 12/21/09 Mon
o WTH? How does tanning solution turn someone green? GROSS (NT) -- No name, 14:03:25 12/21/09 Mon
+ She has been tanning along time and produces many winners. (NT) -- No name, 14:08:45 12/21/09 Mon

# she is very money hungry bad person to do buisness (NT) -- No name, 11:47:01 12/21/09 Mon

* It is truly a shame who is on here bashing her. (NT) -- No name, 14:09:44 12/21/09 Mon
o why - since when is the truth a bash.... (NT) -- No name, 14:15:08 12/21/09 Mon

# ok have to just ask c/i -- No name, 22:36:44 12/21/09 Mon

* LOL! How do you know I did nothing?Why do you think she walked around PF like a big toad??? (NT) -- BC I had her scared to death!!, 00:11:42 12/22/09 Tue

# click in -- ., 13:24:53 12/22/09 Tue
# I just don't think you did anything, or you would not be bitching here. -- sad that mom would c/i, 13:32:12 12/22/09 Tue

* YOU LIARS! She has tanned many kids and there was nobody upset about their tans or nails! (NT) -- No name, 15:34:06 12/22/09 Tue

# She can be a mean - so I believe this post (NT) -- No name, 13:37:30 12/22/09 Tue
# This lady is a rock faced BITCH!!!!! Nasty (NT) -- Pm, 18:00:39 12/22/09 Tue
# she is a nasty BITCH !!!!!!!!!! and a RIPOFF !!! (NT) -- No name, 22:27:52 12/22/09 Tue
# YOUR DAYS AS A COACH ARE OVER !!!!!!!! (NT) -- No name, 22:29:14 12/22/09 Tue

* Whatever, as long as there are newbies who don't know, AM will have kids to coach. (NT) -- !, 22:35:10 12/22/09 Tue
o Please she can't even coach her children (NT) -- No name, 10:29:07 12/23/09 Wed
+ Franzoley Gonzales, Dianely N's mother leave AM alone. (NT) -- You are so new to this good luck buring bridges!, 10:40:09 12/23/09 Wed

# look bitch what ever i need to tell u i would say it to ur face like i did all weekend (NT) -- No name, 10:49:59 12/23/09 Wed
# u are such a bitch u go to pageants and expect other people to pay for u ur are nothing but a leech (NT) -- No name, 10:52:31 12/23/09 Wed
# get a fucking job if u whant to do pageants and stop taking others people $ (NT) -- No name, 10:54:10 12/23/09 Wed
# u caint do nothing as a coach for my dd that is why i droped ur ass and went with a real coach (NT) -- No name, 10:55:30 12/23/09 Wed
# she begs people to let them tan w/her like a dog begging for food!! (NT) -- No name, 10:57:08 12/23/09 Wed
# and u walk around taking credit for my dd modeling u know u did not teach her shit (NT) -- No name, 10:57:24 12/23/09 Wed

* and if you want to take this up privately then answer your phone when I call u! (NT) -- u r a coward, 11:11:29 12/23/09 Wed

# u need to stop borrowing pageant clothes from other pm get ur own and i need my fucking skirt back (NT) -- No name, 11:06:19 12/23/09 Wed

* i m sorry i defended u on this board. everone was right, you are a psycho bitch! (NT) -- No name, 11:12:51 12/23/09 Wed

# you need to stop selling the prizes u got for the camp u always what to make a profit of everything (NT) -- No name, 12:01:41 12/23/09 Wed
# dont try to sell the AGM package iam going to call the director and let her know what is going on (NT) -- No name, 12:03:56 12/23/09 Wed

* She offered the AGM package to me for $300. Was going to buy. (NT) -- Not DN mom, 12:38:06 12/23/09 Wed
o OMG!! I knew it!! (NT) -- No name, 14:10:21 12/23/09 Wed
+ Franzoley Gozales ? Sounds like the crazy one bashing over and over! (NT) -- who's her daughter ?, 14:21:46 12/23/09 Wed
* sound like somebody forgot to take their meds this morning LOL (NT) -- No name, 16:26:49 12/23/09 Wed

# since when was saying the truth bashing? (NT) -- No name, 14:35:35 12/23/09 Wed

* Honey - this is bashing!! she is opening everyone's eyes to who is the NUT (NT) -- No name, 14:38:25 12/23/09 Wed

# ashley your the only nut and the thief stop trying to defend yourself you know that nobody likes you (NT) -- No name, 14:45:11 12/23/09 Wed

* stop trying to defend yourself and make it seem like its somebody else (NT) -- No name, 14:45:52 12/23/09 Wed
o go try to coach your child instead of being on the boards all the time (NT) -- No name, 14:46:31 12/23/09 Wed
+ YOUR DAYS AS A COACH ARE OVER !!!!!!!! (NT) -- No name, 14:46:43 12/23/09 Wed
# and let me start talking about your suposively hair and makeup (NT) -- No name, 14:47:03 12/23/09 Wed

# what now your scared that i know all your little secrets (NT) -- No name, 14:49:27 12/23/09 Wed
# i wanted to take it privately but you do things then hide (NT) -- No name, 14:51:02 12/23/09 Wed

* fransoley Gonsalez you are a nothing but a huge bashers, pyscho, who is sick in the head. (NT) -- Good luck at GG and AGM! You will need it., 14:59:29 12/23/09 Wed

# Oh WOW!! those are fighting words!! (NT) -- No name, 15:16:39 12/23/09 Wed
# Ashley Mason, Thank U for the Good Luck Wishes! Now that U R Not our coach, we can win! (NT) -- U SUCK, 15:53:42 12/23/09 Wed
# Girl Westfield is closer than you think!! (NT) -- No name, 15:58:37 12/23/09 Wed
# Okay - you can take crazy pm's to court now over internet stalking and slander. (NT) -- AM contact this BO and get ISP's, 16:40:08 12/23/09 Wed

* if nowhere contact VOY. Go to civil court. Crazy pm can countersue but you have (NT) -- proof w/ this board of slander and defamation, 16:41:41 12/23/09 Wed
o Even w/ anon. isp's it can be traced. Court will issue search for it if you file.It has been (NT) -- done b/f and can be done here. GL and God Bless, 16:43:56 12/23/09 Wed
+ Def of Charcr is only if it IS NOT TRUE! This is all true! I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU TO SUE! (NT) -- LET'S C WHO WINS!, 16:52:33 12/23/09 Wed
# In this instance it seems as someone who does not understand what they are really doing (NT) -- is building a case against themselves, 16:58:24 12/23/09 Wed
# AND she has to prove she lost $ b/c of the untrue stmt. if she loses $ it's b/c (NT) -- SHE SUCKS!, 16:58:30 12/23/09 Wed
* keep the slander going you willl find your self in court soon! (NT) -- No name, 17:20:37 12/23/09 Wed
o Slander is the SPOKEN word, Libel is the written. If you're going (NT) -- to dole out advice, 17:26:15 12/23/09 Wed
+ then at least get your shit straigh! STUPID! (NT) -- No name, 17:26:58 12/23/09 Wed

# I cannot believe all of this. C/I -- No name, 16:43:09 12/23/09 Wed
* She was and has been making deals on the donations for weeks -- No name, 16:46:52 12/23/09 Wed
o Believe it or not, I DON'T CARE! Ashley prmsd pkgs to many for $ or favors. Ask her where AGM went! (NT) -- Tried to sell 2 friend in GA!, 16:51:27 12/23/09 Wed
+ Ask AM about hitting her dd with a brush when she didnt want to do PF (NT) -- Then was pissed when she lost, 16:54:06 12/23/09 Wed

# I heard it this past weekend with my own ears -- No name, 16:53:20 12/23/09 Wed

* what did you hear? elaborate please. (NT) -- No name, 16:54:35 12/23/09 Wed
o This so called "friend" was suppose to pay her $300 for AGG (NT) -- No name, 16:55:53 12/23/09 Wed
+ I only know about AGM, so that makes 2 deals she's trying 2 make (NT) -- She's a scammer, 17:01:29 12/23/09 Wed
+ It is very obvious whoever is bashing AM will go to any length to destroy her. (NT) -- Everyone should beware of this new pageant mom., 17:02:03 12/23/09 Wed
# OH AM THANKS FOR THE ADVICE I IWLL KEEP THAT IN MIND (NT) -- No name, 17:09:49 12/23/09 Wed
# Ashley is an Old PM, SHE's the scammer! Beware of HER! (NT) -- No name, 17:33:59 12/23/09 Wed

# She was trying to trade XPressions Shoot for clothes for her dd or something (NT) -- always wheeling n deeling, 17:03:43 12/23/09 Wed

* grasping for straws! (NT) -- No name, 17:08:32 12/23/09 Wed
o U THINK JUST ASK AROUNG (NT) -- No name, 17:10:51 12/23/09 Wed

# I cannot believe all of this. Part 2 C/I -- No name, 17:25:46 12/23/09 Wed

* AGM Dir. has been contacted she was not surpised; knew something was wrong! (NT) -- No name, 17:32:20 12/23/09 Wed
o GO ahead call her!!! Just trying to get scare the competition away. (NT) -- No name, 17:40:46 12/23/09 Wed

# 1-866-DHS-2-ICE to report immigration or customs violations (NT) -- No name, 17:25:54 12/23/09 Wed

* This is a racist post Ashley Mason. I hope you are proud of yourself (NT) -- No name, 17:29:18 12/23/09 Wed
o 1-800-Planned Parenthood to take care of your herpes (NT) -- No name, 17:29:37 12/23/09 Wed

# ok ok (NT) -- No name, 18:04:25 12/23/09 Wed

* keep this post going until we have the truth - -- No name, 19:22:30 12/23/09 Wed
o AM Crashed the board b/c she doesn't want you to know the truth. (NT) -- If it wasn't true, she would not have washed, 23:22:18 12/23/09 Wed
# WE WILL NEVER GET THE TRUTH (NT) -- No name, 09:33:45 12/24/09 Thu
* You know AM washed the board and everyone is right -- No name, 11:46:41 12/24/09 Thu
o We need to find the other person named Fransoly she knows the truth -- No name, 11:53:31 12/24/09 Thu
+ What?? has everyone stopped talking? are u that afraid of AM?? Be Gone Witch U have No Power Here!! (NT) -- No name, 10:45:28 12/25/09 Fri

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