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Date Posted: 03:55:24 09/13/10 Mon
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Final Deadline, Friday, Sept. 17, No Late Entries:Amazing Angels, Click in


The final day to enter for Amazing Angels Mini Nationals is this Friday, Sept. 17. All you need to do is fill in the entry form below and send in your $100.00 deposit to hold your spot. If I don’t get enough entries, I will have to cancel this pageant. If I have to cancel, I will return 100% of your deposit.

OCT 8-9

Supreme Package $250.00
Supreme Package includes: Beauty, Outfit of Choice, Costume, 1 Natural Photo, 1 Portfolio,
1 Composite, Ms. Angel, Ultimate Grand, Grand, and Mini Grand, Division.

Sibling Discount
1st contestant pays full price of Supreme Package and additional family members competing pay ½ price of supreme package.

2590 Capital Avenue SW
(269) 965-3201
Room Rate for Shining Stars Pageant is
$75.00/ Night
SATURDAY 7:00-8:00 A.M.
Please register early.
No door entries, you must per-register!
AGE DIVISIONS: (As of day of pageant)
Girls: 0-23 months, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-up, Ms./Mrs. Division Boys: 0-4, 5-up .
Talent age divisions: Girls and Boys Divisions Combined: 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-15, 16-up.

No Experience necessary!!
This is a natural pageant.
Age Divisions: Baby 0-23, 2-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-20, Ms./Mrs, and Boys
Every contestant will receive a crown/tiara/scepter and a nice gift no matter where they place in the pageant. Registration
Friday Oct. 8, 4:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m., Late Registration: Oct. 9, 7:00a.m.-8:00 a.m.
Pageant starts at 10:00 a.m.: Beauty, Outfit of Choice, Costume, Talent, Break, Crowning
Talent can be double crowned.

You are invited to Amazing Angels Natural Mini-Nationals. This will be an exciting weekend filled with tons of fun!!
The pageant will be held Oct. 8-9. This is a One-Day pageant. The events are Natural Photogenic, Composite, Portfolio, Beauty, Outfit of Choice, Costume, and of course Talent!!
The early bird deadline is Sept. 9.
E-mail @ diamonship2005@yahoo.com

Note: On the costume event, a contestant may wear a hair piece. This is only for costume. For example, if you are a clown, then I am sure that you might want to wear some type of hair for that. I can think of many costumes that might have some type of hair that goes with it, or hat with hair.
You may bring your own music for outfit of choice, costume, and of course talent. Please turn in your music at registration with your contestants name and age group marked on it as well as what track number you want us to play. This way competition will go very smooth with all the music lined up for each contestant.
Also, please turn in your portfolio, natural photogenic pictures, and composites during registration.
1 Ultimate Grand
Combined scores from Beauty, Highest Scoring On Stage event and Highest Scoring Photo event. Winner will receive a Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and a Nice Gift.
3 GRANDS (0-3) (4-9) (10-up)
Combined scores from Beauty, On Stage event and Photo event. Winner will receive a Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and a Nice Gift.
3 MINI GRANDS (0-3) (4-9) (10-up)
Combined scores from Beauty, On Stage event and Photo event. Winner will receive a Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and a Nice Gift.
This is the one contestant that has the highest Beauty Score. Winner will receive a Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and a Nice Gift.
This is the one contestant that has the highest Talent Score. Winner will receive Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and a Nice Gift. This can be doubled crowned
These winners will receive Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and a Nice Gift. This can be doubled crowned
There will be one winner in each age division. Winners will receive Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and a Nice Gift. Runner-ups will receive a tiara and a nice gift.
**Queen of Queen’s/King of Kings**
The person that refers the most contestants to this pageant will become our Queen of Queen or King of King. The winner will receive a Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and a nice gift. This can be double crowned. Make sure that your referrals put your name on the referral line on the entry form.
1 Ms Angel
Winner will be chosen by directors. This can be doubled crowned

BEAUTY: There will be no line-ups. This is judged on facial beauty, personality, poise/presentation, and eye contact with the judges. We are looking for Sunday dress, church dress, and prom dress style. No glitz dresses. No make-up on 0-9 years old. Clear lip-gloss is ok. Light make-up allowed on 10-up age divisions. No hairpieces allowed. Boys can wear nice suit type of outfit. Time limit will be 1-½ minutes on stage. There will be a Division Supreme Winner in each age group. Division Supreme Winners will receive a Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and a Nice Gift. Music will be provided.

Outfit of Choice: This is judged on presentation, personality, overall appearance, fit of outfit, creativity. This can be patriotic wear, casual wear, custom casual wear, swimwear, or western wear. ***You may bring you own music.*** Small Props may be used No Glitz.
Costume: Be Creative!! Small props can be used. No Glitz. You may bring music for this.

TALENT: (Optional) Five division winners. Contestant must have CD/Cassette cued and ready at the time of the event. You may enter more that one talent at an additional fee. Any props, mats, musical instruments, you must provide yourself.

Natural Photogenic: Photos can be no larger than 8 ½ x 11 and may be black and white or colored. Preferably a headshot. They must be Natural Photos. No fake hair on contestant in photo. No make-up on children under the age of 10. Clear lip-gloss is ok. We want to see the natural beauty of the contestant. Please turn in your photos at the time of registration. Make sure that you put the name and age of the contestant on the back of the photo. Judges are looking for clarity and photogenic appeal. Additional Photos are $10.00 each

Portfolio: Please turn in your portfolio at the time of registration. Make sure that you put the name and age of the contestant on the back of the portfolio. This has to be Natural photos in book. No fake hair on contestant in photo. No make-up on children under the age of 10. They may be a combination of headshots, full length, black and white, color. Judges are looking for a variety, presentation, and photogenic appeal.

COMPOSITE: Turn in your composite at registration. A composite is a collection of your favorite photos put into a collage with child’s name and stats. This has to be Natural photos in book. No fake hair on contestant in photo. No make-up on children under the age of 10 You can put many photos on your composite. Judges are looking for variety, presentation and photogenic appeal. Additional composites are $10.00 each
ALL Deposits are Non-Refundable If you are unable to attend for any reason, you must let us know within two days before the pageant and your fees will be credited toward another 2010 pageant. No exceptions.
Judges Decisions are final! Sportsmanship is a must. Parents and guests who exhibit poor sportsmanship will be banned from the ballroom. If poor sportsmanship is exhibited by a contestant then they will be disqualified. No fees, ballroom entry, hotel room, or contestant fees will be returned.
Door Admission is $20.00 for everyone 16 yrs and up. A contestant can compete as of their age of the day of the pageant or may move up one age group. All contestant information must be accurate. Any misleading or false information may result in disqualification or loss of title. The stage area will be a “T” formation with 3 x’s in the back and 1x in the front. The contestants will enter one side and exit the other side. You must be on time for your event. We will not wait. All events will start on time. Contestants who are late will receive a 1/10-point deduction. You will receive a schedule of each event during registration. Contestants photos may be used by Shining Stars Pageant Inc./Amazing Angels for publicity purposes. If we have less than twenty contestants, we reserve the right to transfer your fees to another pageant. We don’t expect any problems reaching this many contestants. Only family members and friends of contestants may enter the ballroom. For the safety of our contestants door admission badges must be worn by everyone entering the ballroom, including family and friends of the contestant.

If paying by pay pal, a 4% surcharge must be added to your payment at diamonship2005@yahoo.com.
** We will ONLY accept CASH at the pageant. Crowning will be do in or Beauty Wear
** FINAL RULE: Remember everyone is a winner!! Have fun and meet a new friend.
Parent, Guardian, and Guests understand Shining Stars Pageant Inc./Amazing Angels and the hotel are not responsible for property loss or personal injury. This includes travel to and from the hotel, and time spent at the hotel.

Amazing Angels Mini-National Official Entry Form

Age Group_________

Name______________________________________ _Age______ Date of Birth______________


Street Address:

City_______________________ State_______ Zip________________

Phone Number______________________________________________

Cell Number________________________________________________

E-mail _________________________________________________________________

Hair Color_____________________

Eye Color______________________

Favorite Food____________________________________________

Favorite TV Show_________________________________________

Hobbies and Activities


Referred by___________________________________________________________

Mail Entry Form to:
Teri Selden, P.O.Box 287, Portland, Mi. 48875
E-mail and pay pal to: diamonship2005@yahoo.com
Remember to add 4 % if paying by pay pal
Parent, Guardian, and Guest understand Shining Stars Pageant Inc. and the hotel are not responsible for property or personal injury. This includes travel to and from the hotel, and time spent at the hotel. Shining Stars is not liable for anything lost or stolen. Judges decision is deemed to be final.
I have read the rules & filled the entry form out.


Mail your entry form and fees to
Teri Selden, P.O. Box 287, Portland, Mi. 48875
We accept pay pal @ diamonship2005@yahoo.co.
Please add 4% to your pay pal total for pay pal fees.
You must mail in Entry Form/Registration form and at least $100. Deposit. The remaining amount can be paid in cash at the pageant. No Door Entries. Everyone must pre-register.

Supreme Package includes: Beauty, Outfit of Choice, Costume, 1 Natural Photo, 1 Portfolio,
1 Composite, Ms. Angel, Ultimate Grand, Grand, and Mini Grand, Division.

Supreme Package pd. By Sept. 17 $250

Angel Face Overall $20 (optional)

Talent $20 (optional)

Extra Natural Photo (Max. of 3) ($10 each)

Extra Composites (Max of 3) ($10 each)

Jackpots $10.00 Each or All 5 for $30.00 (optional)
O/A Natural Photo____ O/A Composite____ O/A Port____ O/A Costume_____
O/A Outfit of Choice____

Door Badges $20. Each

Total Amount Due

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