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Date Posted: 11:35:19 06/08/10 Tue
Author: fellow sufferer (be of good cheer)
Subject: Re: Does our disposition matter to anyone but us?
In reply to: you know 's message, "Re: Is suicide painless, maybe not." on 05:52:50 06/08/10 Tue

If we're nothing more than pigs in the pigsty what do they care about us anymore than you care about the steak you last ate? The key is your perspective, are you noticing its subjective and relative to you, that is to say is your perspective being distorted by its being subjective and overemphasising your role in the greater scheme of things? I know and you should too that individuals are roadkill and don't matter. They have the broodsows constantly creating ever the more victims, given that they probably aren't overly concerned with one piglet in the overall pigsty setting. They've already eaten you alive, you know it. You know how much control they have as portrayed in the movie vanished and the men in black adjusters and walk in contemporaries perhaps striking terror into your heart even as a child inflicting the initial trauma and marking your soul for life as food for the rulers of darkness of this world. So that's the initial marinade of your life's soul matrix basting on the grill providing them loosh, it's up to you to change that and get something out of it and stop feeding them your emotional energy. Ask yourself what you can do within the setting to please yourself, have you ben" debugged or do you still have the alien implant of self destruction. I suppose clinicaly they could synthesise your happiness through chemical ritual virtual cyber steak for cypher in "big brother's broil" superficially for reasons of your being "depressed and getting you help" while simultaneously feeding on the loosh you'd alchemically generate, well enough said, thorazine has proven effacacy in many cases such as this and just may be your ultimate chemical wedding bridegroom, just throwing some ideas out there for you to mull over. fluoride is an essential vitamin of the masses you know and those not properly dosed may require thorazine supervitamins subsequently. That's one way to put a silly little smile on.

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[> [> [> Re: Does our disposition matter to anyone but us? -- vagaries (addendum), 21:17:06 06/08/10 Tue [1]

I meant the movie "Forgotten" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356618/synopsis not vanished, they do have vitamins with flouride if you search and also the alchemical wedding is worth taking a look at http://www.ask.com/web?q=fluoride%20is%20a%20vitamin&o=101483&l=dis http://www.harrypotterforseekers.com/articles/wedding1.php

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