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Date Posted: 19:22:20 06/12/10 Sat
Author: 99942
Subject: dan

this is where I've been kickin for the last couple months. I think you will find these people useful with your trading. I'm not gona give you my moniker(s) but I'm sure you will figure one of them out fairly quickly.


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[> Re: dan -- No name, 20:21:49 06/12/10 Sat [1]

The markets aren't real and designed to eat you, what you feel is constructive or that you're obsessed with is destructive and simply does not work for me. It reminds me of a story I heard when I was a boy mowing lawns and had gone downtown to get a haircut and they talked about a guy that lost his socks in the stockmarket and he could tell you exactly what the market would do, yet when he tried to trade it every time it went against him, why that is? Anyway that about sums it up. I was interested in your ideas on what is behind the scenes in this world but when I found out you were disingenuine in some of your comments of which I undertook positions to set the stage to help you greatly disappointed me and then I told you market discussion was closed and you persisted. Now I've considered that you felt you were trying to help but that is working backwards. For the markets to do what they do when I trade them is greatly amiss similar to the story at the barbershop I heard as a boy. Things are just going haywire and because you've been ingenuous in some of your comments as I remarked you'd "say anything" and you didn't take me seriously as a person. Neither did my relatives, so I gave up and never talked to them again. Maybe that trauma was instilled by a woman long ago but it forged a quality of hardness of heart in abruptly terminating relationships forever, cut off would be the biblical term. I've had trouble figuring you out, on one hand positive it seemed on the other ingenuine and destructive, maybe it's my fault somehow but personal relationships simply do not work. Its as though something intends that I learn not to take this world seriously, sort of like the idea of being chosen by God to serve his purpose but what that is baffles me as does the issue of encumbering me subjectively that I can't live and enjoy my own life. Maybe it doesn't matter, listen to the polygraph radio podcast for this time on now. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/search/polygraph-radio/ and likely more here http://www.polygraphradio.com/ this one has a banner maybe you can click, look for E.A. Koetting http://truthfrequencyradio.com/ this isn't self destructive unlike luring people into phony markets.

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