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Date Posted: 22:34:27 06/05/10 Sat
Author: who
Subject: Maybe this will help?

German to English translation
DNA communicates in the universe
Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf

The older our civilization is, the more curious we become. Topics such as telepathy, healing, Affirmationstechniken, teleportation, trance, meditation, etc. not only fascinate PSI researchers, but also ordinary people who today are increasingly confronted with such consciousness phenomena. All these terms have something in common - it is remote transfer of matter, information, or simply by light. The latest experiments in science open up completely new perspectives, to understand the capabilities of consciousness and to shake our momentary view of the world. And shocks are always good. In such a case, one must always start to think.
DNA and genetics wave

Can think of our DNA? So far we only know that we carry deep within every cell of our body, an organic giant molecule that is DNA. It is the carrier of the genetic code, and from it all the genes are formed that are responsible for the development of our body. For a long time it was believed that this happens only on biochemical processes. The DNA forms a huge double strand of bases in which the genetic information is encoded by which it can in the interior of the cell proteins are produced.

But Russian scientists have discovered that the DNA much more. Almost 90% of this molecule are in fact not at all needed for protein synthesis, but are used for communication and as a store. And here are the wave of genetics has not yet determined the final word spoken. One can assume that these findings are much more extensive than we can estimate today [1].

Due to the characteristic shape of the double helix, the DNA an almost ideal electromagnetic antenna dar. the one hand, it is elongated and thus an antenna, which can take very good electrical impulses. Moreover, it is seen from above, a ring and thus a very good magnetic antenna. In this way, our DNA absorb electromagnetic radiation (light) from the environment. And what happens to the absorbed energy? It is simply stored in the DNA by the molecule is caused to oscillate, with a natural frequency of 150 megahertz.

According to the research of Peter and his team Garjajev the DNA is not only the sender and receiver of electromagnetic energy, but also refers to the information contained in the radiation and interpreted further. The DNA is a highly complex interactive biochip based on light with 3 gigabits memory capacity, which is still in a position to understand human speech.

The findings of wave genetics [2] are revolutionary and provocative. To interact with DNA, we must not, however, "can DNAisch talk", but can simply use his native language. The DNA understands everything. It communicates on a syntactic and semantic level, which is common to all human languages. So they used to communicate a code that could be described as primitive language of mankind.

With the help of wave genetics can be performed without the genetic changes known dangers of conventional genetics. This may mean, for example, to repair genetic defects, cancer cells stimulate self-healing, etc. The "cure" in this case is not a drug, just information. In order to feed this information into the DNA of salvation, you need not even have the DNA code to have previously decoded, but may use normal rates of everyday human language.

We can find the opportunity to finally understand how suggestions work probably. Specifically, parents should therefore be very careful what they say to their children. Children learn behavior patterns not only by imitation, but they are also programmed into them at the DNA level. Our DNA makes autogenous training, hypnosis, positive affirmations, auto-suggestion, trance, meditation, etc. possible.
Phone calls DNA, please report!

The findings of wave genetics but also give the familiar concept of "electromagnetic" a whole new dimension. So far, radiation protectors have almost exclusively with "Maximum busy", ie they considered only the energy of radiation that a person was exposed to and assessed, at what dose they can damage body tissue. The stamped information, however, was not considered at all for years.

Most environmental experts (including our environmental policy!) There are still completely in the old "ABC-thinking" ("nuclear, biological, chemical) arrested. In these areas, they recognize the danger and to seek appropriate protective measures and legal regulations. Health damage caused by purely physical action (so to speak the "P-factor") - why then are also technical electromagnetic frequencies - are largely ignored, however.

But if the DNA in each of our cells also collects technical information transmitted, processed, interpreted, and possibly again reflects back what actually happens to us when we walk every day through the ubiquitous radiation trash our environment?

Today's mobile communication technology uses frequencies in the high-frequency microwave field. These are not only dangerous to the extent that such radiation can the body tissue overheating. Therefore are not unduly in wireless telephony particularly strict limits.

But the second danger is still little known and often quoted by the limits completely independent: the common cell phone frequencies are now in the range of about 900 or 1800 megahertz. (A detailed frequency table can be found in our book "The Magic Song" [3]). These figures, however, are multiples of 150 megahertz, so that the DNA is resonance to these frequencies and therefore does not only absorb the energy of the cell phone radiation, but also the discussions contained in the transmitted information!

This works fine even with the low transmission power of modern mobile phones, as we have already repeatedly demonstrated publicly (on this see our book "error in the matrix" [4]). It even seems that this effect is very low transmission power of mobile phones appears particularly strong, since the biological characteristic radiation of us humans and other species also has a very low intensity. Apparently can be on a level similar resonance intensities produce particularly good.

Remember, if you pass away soon at one of the many masts, that now included in your DNA information of countless straight-run mobile phone conversations. Maybe it's just a hassle, receive either the two people on the phone? How can one feel comfortable in such frequency garbage yet? Even if you do not have a cell phone, you are at the mercy of this frequency garbage constantly.
The DNA Phantom Effect

Garjajev and his colleague, the quantum physicist Vladimir Poponin led a sensational experiment. [5] a DNA sample irradiated with laser light and were given on a screen a typical wave pattern. However, they removed the sample, this pattern is not disappeared, but it remained a regular structure exist, as if still a matter sample were present. The effect was repeated at any time and is now called phantom DNA effect. The scientific explanation is that the DNA itself has apparently created a disturbance patterns in a vacuum. These patterns in the vacuum caused by the presence of living matter can, in extreme cases persist for several months.

The phantom DNA effect we can make processes associated with human death, more understandable. Especially for people who stay in our reality and do their grief work, it is important to know that after the death of a person thought the entire information about what he was, what he felt, and did quite a while in our reality remains. When we learn, with this information deliberately and cautiously handle this, it can be of great therapeutic value. It is known that many therapists have problems when a person searches for the loss of a loved one help. The necessary detachment from the deceased, as we now know, is hampered by the presence of subtle information in our reality, which can permanently for the DNA and the subconscious mind of the survivor's loss again be painfully felt. Here it is necessary that the person makes a certain amount of work on his aura field. In addition to its DNA must work with the power of the word.

Like everything in life, of course, the genetics wave has two sides. Garjajev and his colleagues has already succeeded in reprogramming cells genetically completely to another genome. In short, they have succeeded by turning frog embryos to salamander-in! Again, only by electromagnetic transmission of information patterns.

The Wave Genetics touched on this already, the strategy of creation. At least it is a key to the Formbildekräften the morphogenetic field. The hazard potential, which is behind the abusive use of such powerful technology, should hardly be estimated.
The DNA-soliton wave of light

The storage of light and information in DNA is in the form of a special light wave, which is also called soliton wave and the envelopes the DNA molecule. [6] It is a non-linear waveform that follows a very complicated laws, the so-called Fermi Pasta-Ulam lattice. A soliton wave is a self-contained dynamic unit, which so far looks like a matter particle.

Three scientists, Enrico Fermi, John Pasta and Stanislaw Ulam investigated by means of soliton-wave nonlinear processes in nature. They also discovered the so-called "principle of appearance and recurrence." It is a fairly complicated situation, to which we will not go into detail [7].

Soliton waves are extremely long-lived and little change there shape. So they are predestined to patterns of information to store for long periods and transported over long distances. Probably hiding in this light wave yet overlooked many untapped human potential.

Our DNA is able to communicate, with the DNA of other people, or more generally with other living beings. This communication takes place outside of space and time on the higher-dimensional hyperspace, and is thus known as the hyper communication. The DNA makes use of wormholes, the dock directly at the DNA molecule. [8] The "worm holes" First, the physicist John Wheeler microscopic connection channels designated by the hyperspace, resulting from the quantum vacuum fluctuation.

The information model, which receives the DNA in this way are stored in the soliton wave. It thus functions as a carrier wave of DNA.

The most surprising of the hyper communication is that it obviously not subject to any restrictions, nor provide a specific defined purpose. It rather represents an interface to an open network - a consciousness or life network [9].

Just like the Internet, the DNA
Feed in your own data in this network,
Data from this network to retrieve and
direct contact with other participants in the network record.

It may therefore speak, its own "home page", they can surf the net "and chat with other participants". She is not, as one would think, perhaps, limited to their own species. The genetic information of different organisms can also exchange with each other in this way. The hyper-communication is therefore the first scientifically proven interface through which the different forms of intelligence of the universe are interconnected.

One particularly important application of the hyper communication arises out of the group consciousness that is the possibility that individuals of the animal or group of people to be coordinated to act together. But as the findings show the effects of hyper-communication are much broader.

The consequences for the understanding of human learning are immense.

Our human body is indeed made up of cells in which each is a DNA molecule contain. We now know that we constantly reach out in this way billions of communications antennae. Our conscious perception is so far escaped - or not?

There were repeated in our history, individuals who advanced the human race - through revolutionary ideas in science and culture. No one has so far been thinking seriously about how they were possible.

Because creativity is the speech, so the ability to think in unfamiliar paths, to build in the imagination of virtual realities that could later translate into tangible reality. But the crucial spark, the inspiration, the real discovery was never the result of logical, rational thought. He always seemed somehow suddenly out of nowhere.

If such information flowed through the channels of communication Hyper DNA? If so, where? And can prove such a claim?

The last question is likely to be most difficult to answer. Science required as proof of the repeatable experiment under laboratory conditions. But can one leave by laboratory tests provoke creativity or inspiration, and thus result in a man previously unknown knowledge?

This question is a real challenge, but even they can take with current scientific methods at least partly addressed.

Hyper communication acts outside of the known five senses directly on the brain and the body's cells (or goes out of this) and ensure that such Coordinated groups of animals can act. One example is the stable formations, in which many migratory birds fly, or the coordinated behavior in ants or bees.

The hyper-communication thus provides also the key to the group consciousness. It is a structure of consciousness that transcends the particular individual and enables collective action of groups. The fact that we humans also have a group consciousness, is already suspected for a long time. It is with us but in most cases on a very deep subconscious level (collective unconscious of CG Jung or morphogenetic field by Rupert Sheldrake). Hyper communication occurs spontaneously in some people, such as in altered states of consciousness such as trance, in which the controversial phenomenon of telepathy or channeling. In all these cases, people will access information that they had not the usual way to obtain.

They are composed of
understandable information
distorted, or other symbolic archetypal impressions that are added by the unconscious of man
obviously false information that is classified as "noise."

If you want to explore the possibilities of information transmission by hypercommunication so scientifically, we must check everything carefully afterwards for plausibility.

To use the hyper-aware communication, can we have no alternative but to obtain a next level of consciousness - a synthesis of group consciousness and individuality.

On a spiritual path we are just first steps in that direction. It may be that they are still small and uncertain, but from a certain level of technical evolution of a civilization, this development is necessary. In our book "Networked Intelligence", we present examples of how different people in a state of hyper-communication have come to know as yet unknown.
What is a wish?

A useful definition provides us with Wikipedia: "The desire is a desire or craving for a thing or ability, a desire or at least the hope of a change in the reality or the achievement of a goal for yourself or for another."

Already here we see what makes the man so hard to fulfill their wishes. The description of a wish provides a number of nouns that are associated with different emotions. Once you have formulated the wish precisely, one must be able to let go of him. And what that means letting go? It means to solve emotions. All that is coupled with an emotion depends record each of us, because the emotion forbids the idea to leave the immediate area of man. One must stop to deal with the issue at all carefully, because as long as you do that now is the idea still in the interior and does not go on a journey into the universe [10].

Which means that a request has been fulfilled? It means that has taken place in our reality, an event that is consistent with our wishful thinking. But events happen in our time, and thus depends on the fact whether a particular event is realized by many factors. This is to control consciously, is to overlook a complicated task. The diffraction of space and time is to observe a large number of variables, once you get closer to the event horizon. If we make it just an error of one millisecond, can the paradoxical effects. [11] Overall, the realization of events means a lot more. For this we must delve deeper into the nature of time.

The true nature of time is still not known. Science tries to approach her but. Let's see, where to find reality in our time.

... (More layers)






Figure 1 Layer Model of the Universe

There are many theoretical models of the hierarchical structure of the universe. We have here the classic model dimension by a layered elegant layer model replaces. Each of these layers describes a particular aspect of the universe, eg space, time, aura or spiritual aspects, but may even have an inner dimension structure. For example, the space is three dimensional, as we all know.

It is important, not the individual layers to be considered as separate. You can touch each other or even penetrate.

It is in this universe we all live here to realize our desires, our fears and everything else even the creeping and crawling around. The hyper-communication is not to forget.

In this model, we recognize that the time both in the field of matter (space) as well as linking it to higher, spiritual areas. For Einstein, the time was simply the fourth dimension. After it became apparent that such a linear notion of time is not enough, scientists put it on beyond conceptual models. Stephen Hawking conjectured about, the time could be two-dimensional. [12] In the meantime, however, is the science already "beyond Hawking. It is now clear that the internal structure of time-neither one is two-dimensional yet, but something in between.

According to recent calculations, the expected dimension of time are currently just under 1.5. This sentence sounds natural once crazy. But it is still true. The dimension of time is not a whole, but a fractional number is called in Latin Broken "fractus. That is, the time has a fractal structure.

At this point, a shocking news: Mike Batts, of University College London has calculated the fractal dimension of London and found out that she is actually just under 1.5. That's the good news. The bad - when the complexity of our civilization continues to rise, a critical level could be exceeded. London would then share the fate of the famous Maya cities, which had exceeded this value in the Middle Ages and which has since abandoned, only ruins remain.

Figure 2: Fractal level - here the famous Mandelbrot set - are no lines or surfaces, but are infinitely complex of self-similar structures that are repeated in the large and small.
Time length, time, depth and time density

Our friend Jana had a nondescript house wanted with garden near the capital. The crux of the matter was: The house should be beautiful inside and have lots of wood. After a year, her wish came true. She has the house. Well - after one year. Is it always so fast? Or so slow (as you look at it)? The fractal time we are three terms in the hand that can help us [13].

1st The length of time. It is characterized by the classification of events that take place one after another. We bring events to each other in relation, what was before and what after, as always. Here, the subjective sense of time is clearly no longer necessarily identical with the length of time. Fractal time can namely occur at different rates. In our wish-fulfillment, we all feel the time as a hindrance. It is therefore advisable to separate from the request.

2nd The time depth. It is produced by nested (simultaneous) events at all levels of observation. So here we bring together different events in perspective, a event happens), while event b) expires. Look in your room and see a vase of flowers, while at the same time you see your TV. At the same time you will see on the screen, Ingrid Bergman, as she speaks in the movie "Indiscreet" with Cary Grant, while a glass of whiskey held in the hand, etc. By increasing deepening of the observation levels, the amount of information ever richer. This is a wish fulfilled, the time depth can be increased. It must be done something extra. Since we obviously have no idea how to increase the depth of time, it is more important to let go of the desire.

3rd The time density. It corresponds roughly to the fractal dimension, which means it indicates how many additional details are added per level of consideration. It therefore describes the self-similarity of time sequences. The more information added for each level of consideration, the denser the structure of time. An event in which: - clearly seen - a lot has happened, so a higher density than a poor time to event details. In short, if you have fun on a good New Year's Eve party, you'll experience a higher density of time than if you sit on the porch of a house in New Mexico and look at the loneliness of the desert. The time density can have a meaning in the moment, where you specify your request. It has an influence on the circumstances under which you can release better. A person can let go of an idea rather by by "Action" distracting (that time experienced a higher density), another stretches back more in the silence of a quiet, meditative state. Get the fun and try it out, to determine when it is going better for you.

And when realizing our wishes? Now. ... Regardless of when this will be now.

Particularly interesting in the context of fractal time model is the consideration of the present moment. He is originally, ie in the classical model of time, been only one point, the past and future separated from each other.

The fractal model of time must also be the concept of "now" extends. The reason is that we can define the fractal time no fundamental level, and therefore no point. We must now define more general than the interface (ie the interface) between past and future. About the "form" of this definition makes no statement now, because this is not at all possible.

The closer we look at the present moment, the more detail that is revealed to us (by time depth and time density). The more intense we are dealing with the present, the less we can say that "now is".

As the perceived length of time increases with the richness of the events is through such intensive analysis of the now stretched to the present moment, then, is the longest time a "point was." In extreme cases it may extend to infinity, because by the fractal character of the time we get any deeper level of consideration by adding more new details that extend the time further.

This has interesting consequences, such as the exploration of meditative and altered states of consciousness. It may be no coincidence that in many meditation practices is now equated with eternity and timelessness.

The fact that "now is" now become a rubber term support, in fact the fulfillment of our desires. The future gets a chance to move closer to us.

And as we find our way around this DNA fractal world? Quite well, namely because it is also fractal.
Fractal DNA

The structure of the enveloping soliton wave occurs in the genetic code of DNA to numerous repetitions and self-similarity, as Pyotr Garjajev emphasized. This means that the information of the DNA in the cells is not linear, in turn, be read as we read a book people. Instead, the successful read forward and backward, upward and downward, sometimes even returning to the starting point again.

The DNA-communication follows fractal laws. They are nonlocal, ie, the DNA can, without being bound by space and time, communicate with distant information carriers. This effect is due to a famous paradox of the history of science, the so-called Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, in short, EPR paradox. It says that two particles of matter, which eventually were once together and then were separated for ever to stay connected with each other. Experiencing one of the two particles later a change, so responding to the other instantaneously, even if the two particles are now light years apart.

The fractal structure of the DNA-soliton wave actually makes it possible, so Garjajev that the DNA in this way with distant information carriers, possibly even from space, communicates. Due to the nonlocality of this form of communication is that we broke all the well-known law of cause and effect. Garjajev writes: "Cause and effect are not separated by time, when time can be understood as a way to organize chain of events. This requires a complicated fractal structure of time, which is why Einstein recognized it not so. "[14]

According to this view is Garjajevs quantum nonlocality has a key function of self-living matter. It is also non-physical forms of communication such as telepathy. With the help of EPR zero-time communication in huge amounts of data can be transferred, such as by rapid automatic scanning of the polarization of photons.

This begs the question why we humans communicate properly then not always this way and exercise? Why do our bodies have developed a nervous system, with a speed of 8-10 m / s is working almost at a snail's pace? Pyotr Garjajev knows the simple reason: Because EPR communication is for processing in our consciousness much too fast.

What this means for our desires, wishes and dreams? Has the universe a chance to see us, to us our "order" so to speak, also served?
Cosmic Biometrics

The answer is clearly yes. First, from the EPR paradox, we know that we remain in a sense being close to our thoughts, even if we have unleashed emotional. This is a good thing, because otherwise we might still want so much, would meet our needs but some Extraterrestrier Motur on the planet in the system of the Orion ...

Second, each of us has two aspects that make it possible to identify it correctly. As it were a kind of cosmic biometrics. These two aspects are our two names.

Perhaps you were so far are not aware that you also have two names. One is of course the real name that is available in your birth certificate. The second you have been already given a little earlier. It is your genetic name, specifically your personal genetic code wave, a distinctive fingerprint of your personality, according to Pyotr Garjajev formulated in the "original language of mankind".

We come now to a further, very interesting paradox. To understand the genetic name, we had the science of the 21st Century use, which is forward looking. For the middle name, however, we have to resort to ancient knowledge - hermetic philosophy, kabbalah and numerological systems [. 15]

If we bring together both components sent, they provide a foolproof system to locate us in the matrix (our reality). In the genetic name looks more global-cosmically in the sense of EPR paradox, the real name are rather local. Hardly a word is in the vicinity of a people so often pronounced like the name. The vibration generated by that name, therefore, in the vicinity of the name bearer a very special microclimate that favors the realization of certain areas of being and other more hindered.

Camilla was once a little girl who lived under the name Camilla Rosemary Shand a very British childhood. we analyze their names, so the following figures, which correspond to both positive and negative aspects of the life of certain terms:

Camilla Rosemary Shand: Total 203, o5, x5

O The checksum is the way:


Expansion, abundance, healing, religion, Help, sensitivity, snobs, subtlety, magnanimity, generosity, style, character, level, linearity, accuracy, integrity, origin, quality, soul, strength, joy, laughter, humor


Arrogance, excess, workaholic, self-indulgence, jealousy, excessive materialism, tactless

The factor x is the goal:


Expansion, abundance, healing, religion, Help, sensitivity, snobs, subtlety, magnanimity, generosity, style, character, level, linearity, accuracy, integrity, origin, quality, soul, strength, joy, laughter, humor


Arrogance, excess, workaholic, self-indulgence, jealousy, excessive materialism, tactless

Of course, not acted out all the terms simultaneously. But a strong tendency to expand and abundance, joy, pride and passion for the material you can not deny Camilla. The interesting thing is that life and life's goal at that time were identical. She turned in the circle. Now - every woman knows that if she turns in circles, it is a good solution to sink into the arms of a suitable man. Not love, but engaged and married.

Camilla Parker-Bowles: sum of 196, o16, x21

O The checksum is the way:


Learning process of initiation, people skills, willingness to overcome ego, cognitive ability


The factor x is the goal:



Careerism, competitiveness, irresponsible behavior, drowsiness, fatigue

If we consider these concepts more closely, we can see that the expansion and wealth in this life did not serve the internal process of learning (how could it really should be). Instead she was confronted with a host of difficulties, obstacles, mental stress, heartbreaks and extreme situations. Let us not forget - at that time was Charles and Diana together, and it is easy to understand what has happened in the nineties in the lives of three people. But if we consider the target-age of this, we see that all that Camilla has seen, yet was a chance for success and advancement in itself. Provided, however, was the development of almost masculine traits that are seen at her too much. Especially when compared with their pictures from their youth.

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall: Total 250, o7, x10

O The checksum is the way:


Victory, winning, overcoming, self-control, balance in life, strength, age, peace at work, serenity, domination, toughness is persistent, target security, superiority, sovereignty, thought, strategy, forgiveness, praise


Belligerence, stubbornness, belligerence, selfishness, bigotry, Einmischungssucht, pedantry, hair-splitting

The factor x is the goal:


Change, upheaval, change and new beginning, moral inversion, lightness, spontaneity, change, change, innovation, new, reform, transitional solution, Trend, flexibility, detachment, travel, independence


Subversion, revolution, instability, incontinence, instability, unreliability, lack of it, hopeless disorder, hysteria, moodiness, anarchy, insecurity

And what we see? She is the winner, which would have in 1981, hardly any of us thought possible. It now goes the way of the winner and can their expansion and wealth in the form of self-control, toughness, and is persistent and power of age live. That it to something stubbornness and selfishness must add, is on the family circumstances of the Windsor-Mountbatten's difficult to avoid. How far they will take the new objective in the sense of new beginning, independence and reforms, must face the future. Let us not forget that even their DNA communicates with the cosmos, and just this part of the cosmic biometrics, we can not comment further. from translate.google url http://www.fosar-bludorf.com/DNA2.html

We are now one step beyond the mere wish-fulfillment gone beyond. We see that the cosmic biometrics for everyone but determines its place in life, but not as a predetermined fate, but in the form of an individual's fundamental matrix. Man has relatively much freedom to create within this matrix given his life - provided he knows its structure so that he did not completely violates and thus leads a life against itself.

In a sense we are all actors in a gigantic cosmic drama, in which tested the universe has to offer. It only matters to be there - be part of the game! That means - any of us goes his way, doing his job, because he is a luxury model.

* * *

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