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Date Posted: 23:19:56 06/25/19 Tue
Author: Bangemin Dahed
Subject: Newburgh Keeping The Traditions Alive

Says one on the other board:

"Do the right thing vote for the BEST to represent this City NOT a RABLEROUSER who is in it for selfcentered reasons. Someone you would be proud of to serve you

City of Newburgh - Councilman at Large Democratic Omari Shakur
City of Newburgh - Councilman at Large Democratic Anthony Grice
City of Newburgh - Councilman at Large Democratic Steven T. Majano
City of Newburgh - Councilman at Large (OTB) Green Opportunity to Ballot
City of Newburgh - Councilman at Large (OTB) Independence Michele Basch
City of Newburgh - Councilman at Large (OTB) Independence Opportunity to Ballot"

WELL YES! CONTINUE VOTING DEMOCRAT! KEEP NEWBURGH DOWN AGAIN! Look at it! Look at its history! The last time Newburgh had anything going for it was in 1952 when it got "All American City" AND THEN it was run by Republicans! Today? It's a wretched, wrecked & ruined, vast "open space" with NOTHING to show for its existence from the day the first folks stepped on the land. Dems have done NOTHING for the city, but more than plenty for themselves. From the Federal level to the pee-ons in Newburgh, they leave a desolate trail behind. It's their mark. Destroy everything. Pocket as much cash as possible, then step down for the next election when the fools, morons & idiots will vote them back into office to repeat the atrocities.

Look at EVERY filth-riddled city across the nation, let's take Chicago as a for instance... Democrat. Look at the state of California with city streets paved with human excrement, typhus on a roaring come-back, a homeless population busting the figures and calculations... Yup... Democrats.

Somebody else on the other board said Newburgh continues shooting itself in the foot. Close. Newburgh continues to commit suicide... Democrat-style: 5 bullets to the back of the head.

Stupid is as stupid does as stupid votes. Newburgh never had a chance of being anything other than the slum it is, & with the next elections it's going to keep the tradition alive (and the citizens, businesses, buildings & everything else, dead). Look up the term "Utterly Hopeless" and there'll you see a magnificent photo of Newburgh. Look up the term "retard" and again, composite photo of Newburgh's residents. Oh bravo!

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