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Date Posted: 20:13:45 07/26/19 Fri
Author: Inquiring Mind
Subject: Re: you need to know
In reply to: Whistle Blower 's message, "you need to know" on 09:21:30 07/19/19 Fri

Since all of this tedious list was taken, obviously with care & time, from the "other" board, let me just say that one commentary shocks me simply because of the vocabulary, grammar & content which appears to have either been learned in the very early years of the Newburgh educational system, when children were actually taught anything of importance or the author isn't from Newburgh at all because in the past 40 years at the very least, Newburgh has NEVER produced anyone who could compose a text of such value, worthy of any admiration.
Date Posted: Wednesday, July17, 09:57:am
Author: Never ending cycle
Subject: Re: Principal Thoughts
In reply to: CY 's message, "Re: Principal Thoughts" on Wednesday, July17, 09:04:am

That said, I ask: Why is the author "Whistle Blower" bringing this thread to THIS board now? Is the old 166166 still in the habit of banning, blocking, censoring & silencing?

Frankly, I don't know why anybody in Newburgh is whining about the BOE or any other public service office since Newburgh has been casting losing votes for those who wish ALL citizens (as opposed to "residents") nothing but abject poverty & absolute stupidity for at the very least, the past 40 years (and even more if we want to go back to the days when the idiots ran Joe Mitchell out for trying to save the fetid rat trap).

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