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Date Posted: 11:59:35 03/30/20 Mon
Author: Steppin Fetchit
Subject: Newburgh The Chain of Fools (More Like Damned Idiots)

Between this and the other board it's just obvious that either Newburgh is just one big retard colony or the shit they have is the shit they want. The crying and wailing and gnashing of teeth on the 166 is enough to make anybody sick. I don't know why Voy even keeps it up and running because it's useless and a waste of space. It's been too many years that Newburgh's been actually electing the leaders that do nothing but fill the shit pool deeper and deeper. They VOTE FOR and ELECT the same thing over and over and then they cry when they get what they want! Good for Newburgh! Elections are a complete success. So go away and STAFU! This is a time when handicaps are supposed to be accepted and tolerated so the rest of the world is looking at you with due pity. You have a whole 5 square miles to roam around in, reproduce, to what ever you want. Normal people get to come visit to look at you as a reminder that no matter how bad things get in this world, at least they'll never get as bad as Newburgh. Parents with children born with birth defects can come and look at Newburgh and go away happy that their child isn't nearly as bad as the best Newburgh has to offer so you all can feel good about making others feel good about themselves. So don't worry, be happy. Hopefully one of these days somebody will put up a nice wall around your asylum. God knows we have all to do to deal with coronavirus, we don't want you spreading around too.

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