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Date Posted: 03:33:40 07/01/07 Sun
Author: Antonio Quattrone (179,Jalan BukitBintang,KLPlaza)
Subject: Mecotek Italy - Telme (S) Pte Ltd - Telme Malaysia
In reply to: Antonio Quattrone 's message, "Telme International Community" on 22:06:21 06/30/07 Sat

Dear Mr. Brian,
My name is Antonio Quattrone and I represent Telme communication in Malaysia. Telme is an Italian company based in Singapore.
You can visit our general corporate web site at www.telmewhy.sg.
For more information you can log as follow: www.digitalportal.sg
To download our Pay-plan you can select from the site menu: ONE OF US.
To visit our product site click on DESKCALLING and 3G VIDEO CALL (Try Now) and then click DISCOVER OUR WOIP2 PRODUCTS LINE at the bottom page.

The reason why I am now here in Kuala Lumpur, together with my staff, is that I am looking for expert and motivated MLM potential LEADERS.
They must be capable to take over the whole network organization in Malaysia and South East Asia supported by our know how and experience.
We are perfectly aware that we alone will never be able to set up a successful network.
Therefore we made ourselves ready to provide our future leaders presentation and training support.
Can¡¦t wait to show our very attractive and innovative PAY-PLAN to everyone that will be really interested in our business.
Our market strategy is also really agressive all thought quite different from the traditional MLM concept.
I would be very happy to provide you of all detailed information regarding every aspects of our bisiness, if you would like to meet me at any time you find convenient.
It is needless to remaind you how would be important to be able to grab this opportunity as fast as you can.
Looking foward for your kind reply.

Antonio Quattrone
Head Honcho Malaysia
Mobile 0123797063
Phone 0321426927
Mecotek Holding ?un gruppo finanziario che raccoglie sotto un unico ombrello tutte le attivit?del Gruppo.

Con sede a Singapore la Mecotek Holding gestisce tutte gli aspetti finanziari del Gruppo, compreso il finanziamento allo stesso

per lo sviluppo di nuove aree di interesse in settori legati all'alta Tecnologia.

Mecotek Holding ?una societ?dinamica, in continua espansione, orientata all'investimento sulla ricerca e sviluppo, punto centrale per il successo di tutte le attivit?della Holding.

Telme (S) Pte Ltd rappresenta il fiore all'occhiello del Gruppo essendo oggi per Mecotek Holding, quella che sicuramente sar?il pi?grosso successo di oltre 10 Anni di attivit?di ricerca e sviluppo.

Website - www.telme.sg/quattrone

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  • Telme (S) Pte Ltd - 210 , Middle Road , Unit #09-01 , 1888994 - Singapore -- Telme Singapore (Telme Singapore PrivateLimited), 03:41:05 07/01/07 Sun
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