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Date Posted: 14:28:06 03/14/10 Sun
Author: JJ (Ronda)--thinking I should stop now. lol
Subject: I think that might have been confusing above. What I meant to say was that I don't watch things with the sole reason being that she's in them. I only watch her stuff if it truly appeals to me. BUT, the same thing can be said about DJE. He's been in lots of stuff that I haven't seen and probably won't see because it doesn't appeal to me. DJE being in something probably holds more weight for me than CB being in something, because I guess I'm a bigger fan of DJE than I am of CB. But I am still a fan of CB, just not as much as I am a fan of DJE. And now I'm repeating myself.
In reply to: puzzled JJ (Ronda) 's message, "Also, I love Mac. And by extension, I like CB. However, there are things about her that annoy, er, bother, um, I can't find the right word. There are minor things about her that keep her from being one of my favorite actresses. I can't really put my finger on, it's just the way it is. I will watch her work if it appeals to me (loved the Good Witch movies!) but I do not watch her stuff just because she's in it because she's not all that to me. That being said, inside" on 09:15:51 03/13/10 Sat

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