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Thanks for the spelling correction!!! I didn't think it was right, but it's closer than I've seen by some! -- The Chief, 22:38:09 03/16/11 Wed [1]
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I was thinking the same thing about how they could never get awau with bashing any other religion. I read somewhere that this is based on a book and that was the title of the book, but that the TV title is "temporary", meaning that it can be changed. Let's hope so! -- JAG Junkie (Ronda), 19:44:01 03/16/11 Wed [1]
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*awaY -- JJ (Ronda), 19:45:05 03/16/11 Wed [1]
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Oops, just realized that the same info is below. lol -- JJ (Ronda), 19:45:47 03/16/11 Wed [1]
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