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Date Posted: 06:50:55 01/12/11 Wed
Author: JJ (Ronda)
Subject: And he's supposed to have been a college friend? They don't look like they would have been in college together.
In reply to: JAG Junkie (Ronda) 's message, "Sounds interesting, but is it me, or does she seem a little young for him? I know she has grown up since her "DJ" days, but she's 16 years younger than him. Just sayin'." on 06:41:37 01/12/11 Wed

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[> [> [> I had the same thought. It seems a bit of a stretch for them to be college friends, let alone pose as a married couple. Guess we'll have to wait and see. -- Christa, 07:12:54 01/12/11 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> I agree that David looks great for his age, but, let's face it, he doesn't look 35 anymore. Also, can you imagine her at 5'2" and him at 6'4"? I'm excited that he got the part, but I wonder who did the casting. -- Lee, 11:46:12 01/12/11 Wed [1]

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[> [> [> i think this would be easier to pull off if she were forty then he might pass for only four years her senior - but I agree - 16 years with a 35 year old and a 50 year old is going to be hard to pull off - maybe he was one of her teachers - you know a grad student? that might work. -- chris k, 13:55:33 01/13/11 Thu [1]

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[> [> [> [> lol, chrisk!! But,entirely a plausible possibility. When I was 25, i dated my 52 y.o. 'mentor' who was, indeed, my 'friend' first. I was in grad school, not 'college'. But, as my friends pointed out to me when I started dating him -- he LOOKS old -- he is NOT a young 52!!! C'mon, mj -- you're CRAZY. I couldn't see it -- for 2 years! One day, I looked at him and went -- "Oh, Lord!"! And that was the end of that! (Oh, except 3 mo. later I met a really lovely guy who was 6 years younger than me and we started dating and within 4 dates, guess what I found out? -- he was the 52 y.o. guy's SON!!!)!! -- mj, 15:35:52 01/13/11 Thu [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> Oh my, that is a book-worthy story! -- Carrotts, 12:03:13 01/14/11 Fri [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Oh, it gets worse! How I found out was because 'the son' started telling me (on our 4th date)about his Dad who had been seeing a much-younger woman even though he was ENGAGED to a woman for about 4 years! His Dad and Mom were divorced 10 years ago after his Mom put Dad through medical school and had 5 children with him! The 'son' was waxing on and on about his Dad never changing and that he hoped he wouldn't turn out like him. When he told me what his Dad did, I figured out who he was and that I was 'the much younger woman'. inside -- mj, 13:37:11 01/14/11 Fri [1]

Anyhow, I never told 'the son' who I was and tried to stop seeing him, but he kept calling me and dropping by work to see me and he was a great guy, so I kept on seeing him STILL not telling him. Stupid! Because after we were seeing each other for about 6 months, he asked me to go to a wedding with him -- his Dad's!!!! I THEN told him! He was FURIOUS! AND THEN, guess who called me and chewed me out, too?! He said he figured I would leave him s'day for a younger man but he NEVER dreamed it would be for his much younger SON!! When I tried to tell him I had met his son way after I had broken it off with him and that BY THE WAY, he was ENGAGED the whole time and ALSO, BTW -- look who's talking about much younger?!!-- he didn't and wouldn't listen. He was SO self-absorbed and narcissistic. Whew -- I dodged a few bullets with that situation. Aahh, the good ole days! lol!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Gee whiz, mj! That sounds like a made-for-tv movie! LOL -- The Chief, 23:09:37 01/16/11 Sun [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> I live to entertain.LOL! Should I pitch it to Lifetime? -- mj, 03:35:09 01/17/11 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> They'd probably say it's too farfetched! -- JAG Junkie (Ronda), 14:47:38 01/17/11 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Great story mj!! LOLOL...Ohhh to be young again !!! hee hee !! -- janet.., 20:18:08 01/21/11 Fri [1]

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[> [> [> I thought that too with his co-star in the last Hallmark movie, she was too young too -- Rachel, 15:20:28 01/13/11 Thu [1]

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