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Date Posted: 02:35:55 06/28/10 Mon
Author: Dancer - wishing it were better written
Subject: Well, I was surprised to find out Wolf was the mastermind, but considering his tiff with Cheryl, I suppose it's not that much of a shock. As for the acting, once again, David was the best thing they've got going for them. As for the rest of the show, I'm afraid the jury's still out on this one.
In reply to: Christa 's message, "So what'da ya think of episode 2? Lots of laughs and the TP heist and who was behind it was quite interesting. Please post your thoughts." on 22:21:43 06/27/10 Sun

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[> [> I thought his being behind the heist could be seen as retaliation for all the crap the store manager was putting Cheryl through...harassment, accusing her of stealing, firing her. Can't see Wolf standing by and doing nothing if a member of the family was wronged. -- Christa, 10:46:17 06/28/10 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> Good point, Christa. I hadn't thought of that, but you're probably right. -- Lee, 11:05:12 06/28/10 Mon [1]

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[> [> [> [> I have a feeling that if Cheryl finds out that Wolf was behind the heist she's gonna blow a gasket though. -- Christa, 19:26:29 06/28/10 Mon [1]

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[> [> Okay, just finished watching both online so I have thoughts now. I like DJE as Wolf, altho I thought they could have made him look.... tougher somehow. Longer hair, menacing gaze... something. I like the convoluted stories and scams the kids are all running, and I feel Cheryl's frustration at trying to spin all those plates! But the show seems to lack something..... cool camera angles or funky editing or a certain "tint" to the camera work (like CSI: Miami always looks golden and "sizzly"). If they're going for quirky, they need to go a few steps farther. -- The Chief, 02:17:14 06/29/10 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> I guessed that Wolf was behind the TP episode, and that look on his face at the end made me wonder if he did it to really help Cheryl by getting back at the creepy boss, or if he was trying to show her who's boss and that he's not happy w/ her new mission in life. -- The Chief, 02:19:13 06/29/10 Tue [1]

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[> [> [> [> That's certainly possible. He's made it pretty clear that he'd rather be calling the shots than letting Cheryl do it her way. -- Christa, 13:57:15 06/29/10 Tue [1]

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