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Date Posted: 00:08:22 04/07/10 Wed
Author: Gretchen
Subject: Im sorry but I think she is overdoing it. I find this creepy now and I dont know her status but we know DJE is married.
In reply to: Lee - Isn't it great to have a co-star say that about him? 's message, "Here's the latest Tweet form Virginia Madsen. "David james Elliot as my husband....could a girl ask for anything more? Yeah, he's talented too."" on 22:56:29 04/05/10 Mon

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[> I find this rare<<<<< inside -- Gretchen, 01:05:50 04/07/10 Wed [1]

I have witnessed twitter accounts of actors and actresses and they only gush about their leading men and ladies once and that's it. Most of them gush only because they were pressed on by the reporters or if its a Q & A from a convention. Most of them even joke around a lot or get sarcastic like Paltrow on Downey Jr.
I even find it annoying because its so repetitive especially on the women that worked with Clooney. Same questions how hot is Clooney(Up in the Air movie),their bedroom scenes and what their kisses are like I admire the graciousness and patience of these actresses. The twilight stars answer the same ole questions too day and night plus they have to deal with the constant are they a couple or not with Stewart and Pattinson.
The only stars I see gush about each other a lot are Winslet and Leo Dicaprio but then again they are surrounded by reporters asking them the questions not on their twitter accounts.Most stars are private and very careful of what they say on lots of things including their costars.Brangelina anyone? Also even many costars that date each other dont gush about their partners unless ask by reporters as usual. i.e.Garner and Vartan in Alias and now the True Blood actors. No wonder Neal McDonough ran as fast as he can.LOL! But in all seriousness I will not like it if another woman twitters constantly about my husband.
If she keeps gushing about DJE tomorrow,the next day,and the next and again next week its just creepy and a put off and I will not be giving hits to her site.

So I hope this is the end of her gushing because I wonna give her the benefit of the doubt.

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[> [> The movie you're thinking of is "Sideways" (and my only comment about it is that I like the Dierks Bentley song of the same name better LOL). As for the tweets... -- The Chief, 08:37:22 04/07/10 Wed [1]

I agree that it may be wise to be a bit "standoffish" about VM's tweets if they start getting any more... fawning, creepy, etc. It may be that she's caught up in the rush of just now "noticing" him and his gorgeousness and niceness and talent. Maybe it's just a little crush, and once the cast/crew get into a routine she'll settle down and her tweets will be more factual than emotional. (I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, considering she's willing to tweet inside info about the show.)

For now, let's just keep a wary eye on it, gather more info, etc, and not react too harshly or rashly.

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