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Date Posted: 06:14:05 04/07/10 Wed
Author: mj
Subject: Now this is *just* my opinion as a result of my 'sixth sense', but I recently saw VM on TV at one of the Award shows -- I THINK it was some 'indie' movie awards -- a kind of pre-Oscar event, or maybe it was the Oscars -- can't remember now, but that's not the point -- ANYWAY -- I hadn't seen her or she wasn't anywhere on my radar since I saw her in that wine movie (can't remember the name, but Paul Giammati won an Oscar for it). inside
In reply to: Lee - Isn't it great to have a co-star say that about him? 's message, "Here's the latest Tweet form Virginia Madsen. "David james Elliot as my husband....could a girl ask for anything more? Yeah, he's talented too."" on 22:56:29 04/05/10 Mon

I thought she was good in that and I regarded her a pretty, but actually a 'plain-jane' type. When I saw her recently, I thought 'Whoa -- what happened to HER??!!' She seemed to have a wild look in her eyes and it really struck me. Now, this was BEFORE all the news about Scoundrels and DJE, etc. I thought to myself that night as I viewed her on the telly 'She looks like the ultimate cougar!'. Now, poor DJE isn't a toy boy, but I really really really think he not only would 'do' for her, but, as we know, he has what it takes to completely win her over and she just might, indeed, have her mind set on him -- married or not!Some women could give a hoot! I hope I'm completely wrong. But, if these tweets of hers become a regular 'fawning fest' and get any more suggestive, then I think she is crossing a line. Maybe DJE can take it just fine, but it's disrespectful to his wife and family, who may not appreciate it -- even if she's doing it for hype, at the instruction of the PR people, it still looks creepy and she needs to stop. The PR people then have it wrong. I KNOW that an actor's personal life shouldn't mix with professional pursuits, but DJE, himself, has made it clear and public, that he is a happily married family man. What happens in and on the show is one thing, but these private tweet comments about her thinking about him -- in her off-time, are just weird and wrong. Now, on the other hand, if he is ok with it to the point of encouraging her and 'enabling' her to continue, then I'll really be disappointed.

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[> Come on, People! Can't we trust DJE to stick to HIS principles here? Just because a female costar gushes over him (didn't CB do that on more than one ocassion?) doesn't mean that he's going to abandon his wife and family for her. Give him some credit, okay? I for one enjoy how VM is acting like a star struck fangirl when she talks about DJE. Lighten up, already! -- nancyeddy, 10:46:20 04/07/10 Wed [1]

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[> [> Well I never took any of the comments being worried about DJE. I took them as VM seems to be a little over the top and her tweets boarding on creepy. Which I agree they seem a little much. But hey everyone has their own opinion. -- Hope, 10:52:23 04/07/10 Wed [1]

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[> [> CB gushed over DJE when asked by editors of TV guide and Entertainment Tonight. She was asked about rating DJE's kisses and said 10 but ofcourse quicked to give a shout out to her hubby.She is not the one openly declaring and gushing.When CB and her mom gave female Jagniks tour of the set stating DJE is a hunk esp CB's mom knowing the female audiences love Harm. -- stating the difference of this VM twitter, 13:52:08 04/07/10 Wed [1]

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[> [> Ditto, Nancy. -- judy52sa, 13:54:54 04/07/10 Wed [1]

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[> [> No one is questioning DJE Nancy, it's VM that's creepy. And she is creepy with her posts. And come on Nancy, CB didn't gush, she did a ET interview not twitter, big difference. You can't even compare the 2. VM's tweets are creepy and disturbing. -- Amy, 14:39:19 04/07/10 Wed [1]

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[> [> Nancy, there's a huge difference between doing promotional/publicity interview with Magazines and Entertainment shows, than a personal Twitter, FB page. I never saw CB gush over DJE, just played the game with ET. CB never crushed on DJE, she said they were like brother and sister. So you can't even compare the two. CB's comments were in answer to Interview questions while VM's are personal. I wish VM would stop. -- Trudi, 14:59:35 04/07/10 Wed [1]

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