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Subject: wish i could ride

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Date Posted: 22:46:49 10/07/06 Sat
In reply to: George R1 's message, "Corpus Ride" on 22:48:59 10/06/06 Fri

>Weather permitting, the Corpus ride is still on. I
>would like to meet at the FLy J off 281 in Edinburg
>from 9am to 9:30am. I would like to have take off at
>9:30am but I know how things run in the real world so
>I will wait up to 9:45am as the final push off time.
>I would like to ride out to Corpus, spend the day
>there, do so recording on the way there and the way
>back. If you all have any ideas please let me know.
>Please feel free to bring anyone you want, if they
>want to follow in a vechicle behind us, that's cool.
>If something comes up, please let me or John know, you
>can reache me at 956-240-2874 or John at
>956-7890-0242. I hope to see you all there...for those
>friends of ours going to Austin, YOU SUCK!!!! JUST
>KIDDING, you all be safe and see you all when you get

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