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Subject: meeting 8/31/06

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Date Posted: 16:29:19 09/01/06 Fri

in case you missed it last night we had two riders join our family. the newest members in the owa crew are omar zx-6 and john here is a list of the crew if i miss any one let me know.

1. jc 1000
2. aj stuner
3. david cuate r6
4. edgar duct tape
5. david rr
6. javi strech
7. jason 750
8. shorty
9. hector 1000
10. gorge fireman
11. lil danny
12. gean 750
13. shawn 954
14. dj eddie
15. damian
16. serg
17. gabrel 750
18. joe 600
19. omar
20. john

if i missed any one let me know. this are riders not people that used to be in the crew. the next meeting will be in a month i hope every one can atted. right before bike fest.
sep 28 so set your calanders and make arrengements to be there.

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Subject Author Date
Re: meeting 8/31/06 It's George, not Jorge or Gorge LOLGeorgeR108:51:43 09/02/06 Sat

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